Hi from France

(moyogi) #1

Hi everyone,
first i would apologize for my english, i don t speak it very well, but i try to do the best XD.
I ve beging to mapping, proudly of my work, but i find the forum and when i see it, just woooo…
I m big noob
When i see that Desairdin or Mc nite are there just means “stay humble”
respect for them and the work they provide for communauty
I mean that i forget other people who i know maps, thanks for them too
I think i ll find there lot of help

(badman) #2

Hello and welcome!

(Pegazus) #3

Welcome to probably the best place on Earth, Splash Damage.

If you need help or have some questions don’t hesitate to ask on the forums :wink:

(nUllSkillZ) #4

Welcome to the best place on earth (without probably) :smiley: .

(shagileo) #5

Just welcome to the best place in the universe
You can’t get any better :slight_smile:

(Magic) #6

Hi moyogi - welcome to this forum.

(moyogi) #7

Thx all
jsut wanna say that i like historicals maps
This s due to that i m living in Caen (i m sure you know the town XD)
I ve a project i ll introduce it:

Location: Caen castel ( XD)

History: It s the castel of Normandy Duke, William the Conqueror’s duke of normandy and king of england live there … (more historical infos there: http://www.chateau.caen.fr/ANGLAIS/Historique/visiteGB/portes.htm) It s a big catel who dominate the town
During the 2nd world war IIIth reich use it as garrison and prison (i mean this s rigth words). In 1944 Caen was 75 percent destroy by carpet bombing. The catel s a prioryty objective for allies

The map: the castel and surrounding, detroyed house and vehicule, bomb crater ect…

Objective: allied msut get the castel, blowing down the main gate (with ligth armour vehicule)
and destroy the command center (locate in the keep, the keep is ruined for long time since Louis xiv there just foundation cf link i give)
Allie can also infiltrate by the mots with rope
Axis should defend the castel for keep CAen under control

I ve determinate secondary objective but it s to difficult to explain in english :slight_smile:

my way :
first i made prefab (tower rampart house church…)
second i made terrain
3d ligth and script
4th details

end : bot script no ideas for it…

So that is my project i hope that a day he s online and players playing on
But it s a big thing to do
i hope that i ll find some help there

Does i speak english well?:stroggtapir:

(Cambodunum) #8

sounds very nice … i like that the looking of caen castle … hurry up … wanna see some screenshots soon :slight_smile:
… your english is very well … maybe better than mine xD

greetz Cambo

(moyogi) #9

I didn t reply sooon because i ve 2 biiiiiiiip brush who re invisible in game (i should reamde them about 3 time XD)
I ve just done 3 tower and rampart(the west side)

(-SSF-Sage) #10

You should consider a different texture for the longer walking parks… It looks lil stretched. Keep the texture of the 3 end parts tho. That’s imho.

(moyogi) #11

ok :slight_smile:
But it s the same texture
If in surface inspector i do “fit” the block are very huge

(-SSF-Sage) #12

[QUOTE=moyogi;186287]ok :slight_smile:
But it s the same texture
If in surface inspector i do “fit” the block are very huge[/QUOTE]

Yes I know. It just tiles the texture too many times. I would change the texture in the 2 long parts.

(moyogi) #13

ok thanks :slight_smile:

(th0rn3) #14

Is the real life Caen is similar to the map?

(moyogi) #15

You means on ET map?
i ll try that the castel look like after bombing
Since 1945 he was reconstructed
Actually a big part of the west side are in work

(moyogi) #16

@ 'ssf= sage i ve look at other textures, but i didn t find anyone who s meet the case any idea?

(stealth6) #17

make your own textures / get them off the internet

And I think Th0rn3 meant does caen (the map for ET that already exists http://et.splatterladder.com/?mod=mapinfo&idx=2979) look like caen in real life?

(moyogi) #18

yeah i know caen and caen 2 maps, but doesnt look like in real life except the river
And, in thi smap the house aren t destroy, remember about 75per cent of the town was destroy