Hi, critique to level designers :)

(Jammer) #1

Hi SD Forum people

My name is Andrew, i live in Ukraine,Kiev. I am 25 years old and all my life i work in game development.
In spare time i paly Team Fortress 2, ET and Wold in Conflict online.

First i wanna say that you ET have best multiplayer that i ever seen, of course gameplay of ET is very similar to Team Fortress 2, and i always like multiplayer shooters where team interact to defeat enemy not just get 1 class and kill enemy team :sunglasses: This of course cool to because i play quake 3 as professional player 3 year :slight_smile:

As 3d artist with 5 years of experience in games i wanna say that graphics of ET is good, but sometimes level designers make unreal architecture.
I know its just a game but IMHO German architect dont use so much metal
Level designers need to think not about how cool it looks, but he need also think about how people build it. It`s just my humble opinion 8-)))

I have great ww2 theme experience in 3d modelling and i know what i am talking about :slight_smile:

Check my ww2 tank and try to find fault on it :sunglasses:


To Splash damage
Keep it up good work :sunglasses:
btw do you need 3d artist ?

Disclaimer: the contents or opinions expressed in this post are only personal to its author


(Pegazus) #2

Hey Jammer, welcome to the forums, nice to see another Game developer :slight_smile:

Your tank is so great looking, i have modeled a tank aswell but i am not so good in artist area, so i dont know how to make good textures for it :frowning: But welcome to the forums and keep posting :wink: :smiley:

(Jammer) #3

Your tank is so great looking, i have modeled a tank aswell but i am not so good in artist area, so i dont know how to make good textures for it :frowning: But welcome to the forums and keep posting :wink: :D[/QUOTE]

The texture process is very easy
Just do it as in real life

For example.
Take scratched metal
Take paint
Place paint over scratched metal, and erase paint on edges with scratch brush, next take dirty texture, overley it, and adjust if needed, then bake lightmap and place it on top and change mode to multiply. And wolia!! you have good texture.

If you wanna paint good textures you need to understand how it made in real world and just replicate the process.

BTW if you do as i say you can extract realy amazing normal map from it with insane detail.
There is many advance techniques of texturing, but if you learn basics you can understand advance technique easy.

Here good example of t34 texture

Then i was a young boy, i`d like games, and as every boy i wanna look how it works.
Turn you interest into carrier :sunglasses: today you can find a lot of tutorials, just check 3dtotal.com tutorials section
Regards :smiley:

(DarkangelUK) #4

Awesome tank Jammer, very impressive :smiley:

(isbowhten) #5

this sounds that you have everything i dont have xD
i love scripting but i think i count myself to those guys making unreal architecture and bad textured things etc xD
is this tank free to be used in custom maps? no i dont need one atm but perhaps anytime later ^^

(Pegazus) #6

[QUOTE=Jammer;181353]The texture process is very easy

Here good example of t34 texture

Then i was a young boy, i`d like games, and as every boy i wanna look how it works.
Turn you interest into carrier :sunglasses: today you can find a lot of tutorials, just check 3dtotal.com tutorials section
Regards :D[/QUOTE]

Woah, that T34 texture is sweet, i tried to do your way how you explained, i just got rubbish :smiley: I think i can use this as a base for the texture and change it to my need, but if i do use this, is this yours? Cauze i need to credit the person if i use this :slight_smile:

(Jammer) #7

this sounds that you have everything i dont have xD
i love scripting but i think i count myself to those guys making unreal architecture and bad textured things etc xD
is this tank free to be used in custom maps? no i dont need one atm but perhaps anytime later ^^[/QUOTE]

Nope :sunglasses: this is commercial work, and already integrated to game, BTW game is released. But it full bullshit as for me. I mean gameplay, tha name of the game is Hour of Victory. It have good graphics but…

(Jammer) #8

Thanks, i like it too :smiley:
Check this one

(Pegazus) #9

[QUOTE=Jammer;181386]Thanks, i like it too :smiley:
Check this one
http://studio.farstorm.net/gallery/Vehicles/willys_1.jpg :)[/QUOTE]

Very, Very nice detail on that Willy’s jeep :slight_smile: Show us more of your work :wink:

(Jammer) #10

you can visit my site studio.farstorm.net and see all my works :wink:

(Pegazus) #11

Wau, i am realy impressed :smiley: I love the T-34 tank, it is realy cool looking. Oh and i noticed, in the bottom, the T-34 texture, i am using it atm on my BT-5 tank, i hope you dont mind, since i am going to credit you :slight_smile:

(080903k) #12

基本功能:1. 流行的Windows 98/ME/2000/XP操作环境。2. USB接口,录音盒 符合USB 1.1标准,系统为外置式设备,不占用主机资源,即插即用。3. 录音卡 从USB端口供电,不需外接电源。4. 可热插拔。5. 容量(线数)随意调整。用户可根据需要接入多个USB电话录音设备电话录音卡可通过USB接口卡随意扩展。6. 支持中文、繁体、英文等各种字体的操作系统。7. 录音对通话双方没有任何影响。8.?电话录音卡价格 可以根据任意给定的条件对录音、备份资料进行快速、简洁的回放查听。9. 多个用户可以在多台电脑使用声卡对录音资料根据任意给定条件进行回放查听与备份。10. 系统具有自动同步双备份功能。也可以通过系统手工备份到您想要保存的目录或磁带转录。11. 可以完整的检测并记录所有外拨电话号码与来电显示号码。12.? 强大的电话管理功能,可以对所有的拨入、拨出电话进行清单列表、打印、汇总、分组等。13.? 系统具有自动增益功能,可以自动调节通话双方的音量,而不至于声音太小。14. 所有谈话内容录为DAP格式,可以在任意WINDOWS电脑中播放。15. 可以设置多达5个盘(可以是硬盘、分区或网络映射盘)自动循环录音。16. 录音启动方式灵活,具有压控、声控两种启动方式。17. 录音起始时间可以灵活设置,可以是一段时间内录音,也可以是每天24小时录音。18. 线路适用于电话外线、分机内线、ISDN引出的模拟线。19. 当系统的硬盘将满时,系统将自动清除最先录音的资料,以保证系统可以常年不间断运行。20. 方向判别。可以判别出呼叫方向,如呼入还是拨出。21. 系统具有6种权限,可以满足不同行业的需要。22. 系统具有完整的操作日志,可以记录对系统的所有操作。开发接口1.提供二次开发接口,方便用户构筑各种应用系统2.提供成熟的电话录音软件??? 系统要求带USB接口的IBM PC或与之兼容的台式电脑、笔记本电脑或超小型笔记本电脑? 操作系统要求Windows 98、 Windows Me、 Windows 2000、 Windows XP、Windows 2003 USB主控制器要求UHCI 通用主控制器接口OHCI 开放主控制器接口注意:对于SIS 7001 USB HOST Cotroller的主机,录音盒不支持。SDK软件包API API编程接口??? \BCB\ Borland C++ Builder下应用API??? \VB\ Visual Basic下应用API??? \VC\ Visual C++下应用API??? \DELPHI\ DelPhi下应用API??? \VFP\ Visual FoxPro下应用APIEXAM 示例程序??? \BCB\ Borland C++ Builder下的DLL示例程序??? \VB\ Visual Basic下的DLL示例程序??? \VC\ Visual C++下的DLL示例程序??? \PB\ Power Builder下的DLL示例程序??? \DELPHI\ DelPhi下的DLL示例程序??? \VFP\ Visual FoxPro下的DLL示例程序DOC 说明文档TEST 测试程序阳光服务,一月保换,三年质保

(EugeneBancroft) #13

Great list. Thanks you very much
They very useful for me ! Keep up the good work
Thanks again



(ErikAlbany) #14

this sounds that you have everything i dont have xD
i love scripting but i think i count myself to those guys making unreal architecture and bad textured things etc xD
is this tank free to be used in custom maps? no i dont need one atm but perhaps anytime later

