Hey from Montreal

(Weapuh) #1

Hi all, always thought SD games were the best never thought to join the forums.

Starting up an FPS site, general FPS skills and such.

:stroggtapir: <sweet tapir

Just waiting for Brink to come out looking forward to map making in Brink, Fingers crossed.

(light_sh4v0r) #2

Welcome and good luck finding an SDK for Brink. It’s not officially announced yet :frowning:

(Weapuh) #3

Well R@GE showed off its mapping engine and since they are on the same engine right?

(trillex) #4

Nope, Brink is modified id tech 4 while Rage is id tech 5.

(Weapuh) #5

So it is :smiley:
Well then, modded tech 4, shouldn’t that be more likely to be an SDK than not?

(Weapuh) #6

Actually just read it’s a pretty heavily modified tech 4 engine e.g. rewriting renderer and network model. really 1/3 origional tech 4 they say… so I’ll just keep fingers crossed :slight_smile:


Hey Weapuh, welcome mate :slight_smile:

(Weapuh) #8

Hey Jammydodger, Thanks!

(brbrbr) #9

hi to beaver, mapple and hockey from tapirs !! :stuck_out_tongue: