Help with .ini tweaking

(WolvenKunai) #1

I couldn’t find a more apt forum to put this on, so I’ll ask here. I’ve played this game for around 18 hours now (I know my forums account doesn’t show it, I haven’t made one until just recently), and I enjoy what I can, but I was wondering if anyone could provide help on tweaking the .ini file beyond FPS configs. I already have one, but I was wondering what I could change texture wise to get better performance. I get around 20-25 FPS average, which is alright considering my PC specs (And no, I can’t just upgrade my computer whenever I want. I work off a tight budget). Are there any specific things I can change to get better performance? If so, thanks for commenting.

(misspo) #2

Hi, use outc1der cfg you can found here
He updated his cfg and she is pretty nice. In the description he will tell you how to apply his cfg. But if your pc is crap, try to find (or wait) for a very high fps cfg.
But this one will definitly help because beside common tweak, it disable minimap +scoreboard minimap. Minimap is known to be buggy. It will give you extra fps and smoothness.

If you did not unpark your cpu, try this

(BanHammer) #3

Here’s GustavoM’s Potato Mode based off of outc1der’s config.

(WolvenKunai) #4

Thanks for the help, I’ll be trying that last config in particular.

(approvingGlow) #5

Be careful with unprofessional CPU Unparking utilities. Some of them do more harm than good.

(misspo) #6

Yes but this one is a very well known software.