This is my first post here…so first of all…hello all!
Basically my problem is this…I’ve created a map and I want to have spawn points shift forward after the Allies complete an objective. I figured, it should be little/no problem to figure out how the Splash folks did it…wrong!
Using the same script from the mp_tram.script file and using the same attributes I was able to glean from the bsp by opening it in a text editor (targetname, id, scriptname in addition to the usual suspects aka clasname, origin, etc.) but when put in practice my spawn points don’t go anywhere.
The script is clearly reading the instructions as if I remove one of the spawn points from the map it causes an error and quits the map, referencing the missing spawn. But if I leave it in there nothing seems to happen.
Currently I am using:
trigger objective4
wm_set_objective_status 4 1
wm_announce “The Allies have blah blah blah”
alertentity alliedspawn1
alertentity alliedspawn2
alertentity axisspawn1
alertentity axisspawn2
alertentity axisplayer1
alertentity axisplayer2
as my script…I have checked for typos multiple times and gone so far as to nuke all the spawn points and re-enter them from scratch.
What am I missing here?
We’ve been stumped for a few days on this in the PlanetWolf editing forums! Please, please help!!!
Thanks in advance