Help creating shifting spawn points like in Tram...

(eva05) #1


This is my first post here…so first of all…hello all!

Basically my problem is this…I’ve created a map and I want to have spawn points shift forward after the Allies complete an objective. I figured, it should be little/no problem to figure out how the Splash folks did it…wrong!

Using the same script from the mp_tram.script file and using the same attributes I was able to glean from the bsp by opening it in a text editor (targetname, id, scriptname in addition to the usual suspects aka clasname, origin, etc.) but when put in practice my spawn points don’t go anywhere.

The script is clearly reading the instructions as if I remove one of the spawn points from the map it causes an error and quits the map, referencing the missing spawn. But if I leave it in there nothing seems to happen.

Currently I am using:

trigger objective4
wm_set_objective_status 4 1
wm_announce “The Allies have blah blah blah”

alertentity alliedspawn1
alertentity alliedspawn2
alertentity axisspawn1
alertentity axisspawn2
alertentity axisplayer1
alertentity axisplayer2

as my script…I have checked for typos multiple times and gone so far as to nuke all the spawn points and re-enter them from scratch.

What am I missing here?

We’ve been stumped for a few days on this in the PlanetWolf editing forums! Please, please help!!!

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:


(Wils) #2

The spawnflags on your entities may be messed up - check that you’re using an up-to-date .def file (the one that comes with the latest GTK Radiant for Wolf should be fine).

Alertentity toggles a spawn from whatever state it’s in to the opposite, so if a spawn is initially active, it’ll disable it, and vice versa. Check that you’re spawns are set up to do this, otherwise things will break (although it shouldn’t bomb out to menu; Wolf is supposed to use the nearest inactive spawn if no active ones are present in the map… weird).

(eva05) #3

I just dLed and installed Radiant 1.2.11 (I was using 1.2.1 up till now) and still no dice…

Here are the the variables I am using.

This is for the first spawn point that is working from game start…

classname team_ctf_bluespawn
origin -1800 -256 -416
spawnflags 3
targetname alliedspawn01
scriptname alliedspawn01
id rear_spawn_01

I have both invulnerable and startactive checked for this spawn point.

For the spawn point activated by the completion of the objective…

classname team_ctf_bluespawn
origin 72 -384 -424
spawnflags 1
targetname alliedspawn02
scriptname alliedspawn02
id forward_01

I have both invulnerable checked for this spawn point.

Now I also considered the possiblity that my map was somehow screwed up and that was causing my woes, so I’ve since created a new map that is simply two rooms. One with a target and the other with a spawn point that theoretically becomes active after said target is nuked.

No dice.

I am perplexed…


p.s. Thanks for your assistance. I notice you’re the fellow who did the Tram scripting from my time studying it :slight_smile:

(Wils) #4

If you’ve pasted everything verbatim from your script/map, your targetname doesn’t match the target being called by Alertentity (you have an extra zero in the name).

GTK Radiant 1.2.11 is from December last year btw - it shouldn’t matter (GotY Wolf came out before then anyway), but it’s always better to be using the most recent stable release of GTK.

(Oh, and I wasn’t the only person who scripted Tram - I just happened to be the last person to edit the script before we packed it up for GotY :)).

(eva05) #5

I changed the entity name since the first topic was posted.

In my current script the spawn points are identified as alliedspawn01 and alliedspawn02


(Wils) #6

I’m not sure what it is then without looking at the .map and .script together. If you’d like me to have a look and see if I can find the problem, I’m happy to do so - my email addy is

(demoneye) #7

This may be of help also…


(eva05) #8

Thanks both of you! Wils you should have an email from me…

And I did check out Tram design before I came out and started nagging folks for help but found little help there :frowning:


(Wils) #9

Read the mail, cheers :slight_smile:

That tutorial has some errors, actually.

team_ctf_redplayer and team_ctf_blueplayer entities are a leftover from Quake 3 CTF, and are used to spawn players who have just connected to the server - i.e. your first spawn as a player is at a *player entity. Thereafter you spawn at a *spawn entity for the rest of the map. It’s something we’ve removed from ET, as there’s no practical reason for having two sets of spawns which behave in this manner.

The ‘id’ key does nothing, and is possibly a leftover from one of the systems Nerve were trying when developing wolf MP. Spawning is controlled using team_wolf_objective entities: when you select a location from the spawn menu, you’re actually selecting a team_wolf_objective to spawn near. The game then looks for the nearest active spawnpoint to that objective and spawns you there.