help aas badly

(nikita) #1

i tried looking everywhere
even surface doesnt have aas maker some1 know where i can get ?

(kamikazee) #2

Actually, you have! It’s called bspc. See

(kamikazee) #3

Note you don’t need to download it, (GTK)Radiant installs bspc as well.

(lyjwow26) #4

It"s particularly useful that it tracks your influence rewards for each area, so you know where to go to reap the most rewards. Even when cruising through familiar lands and fighting old fights, we still found that the Tome had more to offer us, from new titles based on the quality andwow gold quantity of our trades with merchants, to new experience rewards based on the number of times we"ve killed or been killed by particular monsters, to the entertaining bits of lore and story found by venturing off the beaten path and finding new NPCsThe Tome is always available at the very top of your screen, and you"ll be alerted when wow gold you"ve unlocked new entries. Better still, when you open the Tome, wow power levelingyou can flip right to a page that lists all your latest achievements. From there you can dial down to specific pages to see how you"re doing against certain monsters, or track your progress in key public quests, or read up on the history and current events of the areas you"ve visited. As a framework for the content and an incentive to discover more about the world, the Tome does an amazing job. Yes, we are, like most players, a little tired of fantasy MMOs but the setting in Warhammer Online is skewed just enough to seem fresh.The real appeal here, though, is the interesting intersection of PVE, PVP, and RVR gameplay and the way that the Tome of Knowledge rewards players for their accomplishments. wow goldThere are still plenty of unknowns here, particularly with regard to class balance and the lack of differentiation among characters of the same class, but only time will tell how those issues affect the overall experience. In the meantime, the appeal of the beta is as strong as ever. This entry was posted on Friday, September 5th, 2008 at 3:23 pm and is filed under Uncategorized, Blogging. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed