
(Oko) #1

Hello folks,
I am Oko? and my Real name is Das_Okopant :wink:
well, call me Micha . I am 32 years old and from Federal Republic of Germany (FRG)

I love(d) RtCW from the beginning (US release which for sure was forbidden here) wellā€¦until the more or less end of RtCW public shrub mod gaming (EU).

In MP I had also liked COD_UO and QIIIā€¦

ETQW is a very good game and my favorite in MP for a long timeā€¦ and I love beer

Cheers! :stroggtapir:

ps: goose steps are a lie, uā€™re wrong, we do walk the same way like Brits do ā€¦ lol

(Nail) #2

Welcome, I see youā€™ve met the tapirs


Welcome, always good to have another QW member :slight_smile:

(CleaverDancer) #4

Yes welcome! have a strogg banana for you trouble :stroggbanana:

(brbrbr) #5

i guess now its called ā€œGermanyā€.

(xTriXxy) #6

welcome matey! :smiley:

(Oko) #7

thx for the warm and nice welcome folks :slight_smile:
@Nail, yes, I loveā€™em, have one in the cage here at home ā€¦and itā€™s not my wife :wink:
@brbrbr, youā€™re somehow right, Sir!
@TriXxy I should have been more specificā€¦ Veltins, Becks, Erdinger and Paulaner are my favorites, but I do also like miller, Guinness and Kilkenny ā€¦I love irish pubs!

PS: Does anyone know if BRINK will run on a dell XPS 710 system (geForce8800GTX/6600@2,4GHz/2GM Ram/win XP) ?

Cheers! :stroggtapir:

(Nail) #8

How well does it run QW

(light_sh4v0r) #9

That system spec should be fine. Not on highest settings but I canā€™t imagine it wonā€™t run Brink at all.

(Slade05) #10

You don`t talk to Bas the Mad.

And yes, we want your BLOOOOOOOOD.

(Vaporman) #11

I thought perhaps you had chosen your user name based on Bases Loadedā€™s BEST hitter, until you mentioned your real last name.

Ah well.

Long live Philly!

(gee666) #12


how the hell are you mate? you still play QW?

(Ads913) #13


OKo PANTS not seen ya in a long timeā€¦

OCB top number 3 player ā€¦okopants

(Oko) #14

hello OCB :slight_smile:
Iā€™ am fine thx ā€¦ didnā€™t took a break from playing since releaseā€¦
Iā€™ve been away for some time in the past because Iā€™ve been working far away from my home country for a few monthā€¦ and when I came home (every 2-3 weeks for 2 days, my girl was there) but Iā€™d never forgotten all the awesome games on your OCB and other serversā€¦ still playing active QW of course, being a proud member of the Villa- Community!.. (Since RtCW is dead , wellā€¦ no alternative to QW :()
what else should I play beside Grand Prix Legends ? :smiley:

(Nail) #15

Wolfenstein:Enemy Territory ?

(Oko) #16

no Sir, NO! :tongue:

RtCW, my all time favorite game, not Wolf ET ! :smiley:

hereā€™re some impressions of the original :stroggbanana:

(elizdaavis) #17

I am Eliz recently registered to this forum. Hoping to read some intresting stuffā€¦