Hello. How many W:ET players around?

(xGuinness) #1


I’m a long time W:ET player and am curious how many of you are to? It’d be great to see some familiar names. Some people may remember me under and of these aliases; Slack3r, Lockhart, LazyFox or even .John_ </3.

Really hope to meet up with anyone that remembers any of those names,

(n4ts) #2

Hi xGuinness,
Some of the old Wolf:ET players (including me) will play Dirty Bomb soon.

(Domagoj) #3

Yo yo, dookie here from AxE clan :slight_smile:

(ZeYos) #4

Hey the entire w4life Clan will join Dirty Bomb and test it. And so do I ZeYos.

(jacKfIsher05) #5

Hehe, been playing W:ET from when it was released, so I’m an old dog like you too.

I don’t think there’s someone here that knows me, so… no need to lose time to write my name. :smiley: