have anyone one had an issue with smerf accounts ruining ur gameplay in casual?

(Lolfaced) #1

Hey guys,
so for the past month ive been play DB daily and came across this issue of smerf accounts and high level players.
i wish there was a system for match making in range of ranks. For example, if ur lvl 15 and u want to have a good experience and wanna improve your game, there should be a caterogy in which he/she wants to play like a lvl1-lvl50 category match.If he was comfortable with lvl 50 players then change the category to lvl 100 or something . But there should not be a way down like lvl 100 players wanting to play with lvl 25.
Please let me know if u think the same / u feel these features wants a call in the game.

(Press E) #2

This has been talked about a lot. The main issue is that DB simply doesn’t have enough players to separate them like that. Low level players wouldn’t have much of a problem finding matches, but once you got into the higher levels it would take forever just to get into one.

Plus, a higher level doesn’t necessarily mean more skill. A low level player can be significantly better than a high level player. Grouping them together likely wouldn’t solve any balance issues, because once you’ve gotten used to the game, there isn’t much immediate change in skill. Isolating players who are new to the game from more experienced ones could work, but having min level 50 servers wouldn’t really make a difference.

Also on a side note, I’ve only seen a couple of smurf accounts in my 1,200+ hours of playtime in DB. There really isn’t much of a reason to smurf after all, since matchmaking throws everyone together regardless of skill anyways (you can’t intentionally join a low level server either). Keep in mind that lots of new DB players have had lots of previous FPS experience, so their skill isn’t an indication of smurfing necessarily.

(kopyright) #3

Low-level high-performance players with private Steam accounts always make me suspicious, though.


I don’t notice any smurfs in public but I surely spot them in ranked. Smurfing requires much higher punishments, it breaks balance altogether and grants an enormous, unfair advantage. Don’t get me started on “we are not finding a match, want to play ranked and that’s why we use a smurf” when in reality all of them are plain and simple attempting to warrant boosting their friends to elite with that poor excuse because they can’t attain it legit. If they really wanted to play in a competitive, organized setting they would participate in DBNation pugs.

(K1X455) #5

Smurfing is used to “boost” their buddies because solo queueing on high ELO is high risk low reward in this game.

([ *O.C.B.* ] Wildcard) #6

@Kirays said:
I don’t notice any smurfs in public but I surely spot them in ranked. Smurfing requires much higher punishments, it breaks balance altogether and grants an enormous, unfair advantage. Don’t get me started on “we are not finding a match, want to play ranked and that’s why we use a smurf” when in reality all of them are plain and simple attempting to warrant boosting their friends to elite with that poor excuse because they can’t attain it legit. If they really wanted to play in a competitive, organized setting they would participate in DBNation pugs.

Yeah I have to agree with this statement, but I also have to say that DBNation PUGs would be an option if they weren’t so closely bordering death right now (at least from the last reports I heard on the state of Competitive PUGs at the moment). :confused:

(Tanker_Ray) #7

To be honest, I have a smurf account.

not to stomp noobs, but to play ONLY MEDIC, or ONLY REVOLVER.

Really tried hard to get highest XP/min ever with KE81 Phoenix.

best was 1800/min I remember.


S/W + Drilled + Skyhammer = fun

([ *O.C.B.* ] Wildcard) #8

To be honest, I have a smurf account.

not to stomp noobs, but to play ONLY MEDIC, or ONLY REVOLVER.

Really tried hard to get highest XP/min ever with KE81 Phoenix.

best was 1800/min I remember.


S/W + Drilled + Skyhammer = fun

This is a legitimate way to user a smurf account; to have fun and goof around, without risk of people judging you for your level and making your time miserable. I would do that myself except for that I don’t care what random people think of me; if I don’t know them, and don’t socialize with them, their opinion of me is inconsequential in my eyes. So march onward man, and happy hunting! :stuck_out_tongue: