Has DB improved your skills in other games?

(TheStrangerous) #1

Sometimes, one game’s mechanics can help overcome other game’s mechanics.

I’ve noticed I got a good hang of Enemy Territory Wolfenstein, after trying it out for a bit. A few years back, when I was still into TF2, I couldn’t keep up with the pace of W:ET, everything happened too fast.

However, the drawback of playing too much DB made any slower shooter too slow for me to play. I keep thinking “Why aren’t the moving faster?! What a slow paced game!”.

Even though I can keep up with DB’s pacing, I still suck at playing old school arena shooters in PvP. Too much advanced movement and item pickup strategy…

(HunterAssassin5) #2

it made me try to hip-fire in insurgency :frowning:

(Herr_Hanz) #3

nop. been playing so many FPS that i aim down sight a lot, especially in longer ranges. SD needs to fix the K121 iron sights.

although DB has probaly helped making me aim for headshots with the scout in CS:GO

(Orivar) #4

I wanted to play a bit of Planetside 2. I was br 100 and had a lot of things, I am not a noobie in this game. When I spawned in I just ran in the spawn to see how SLOW this game is.

In payday 2, you throw things (grande c4 that is a grande and Molotov) with number 3. Oh man, I throw the Molotov at the start of a STEALTH heist and it was a shame…

(The_N00Ba) #5

honestly I find it much easier to play Doom now that I played DB. That’s the original doom by the way. I tend to move in doom just like I play DB. it amuses me actually.

(Dr_Plantboss) #6




But playing other games a lot makes me worse at DB.[/center]

(Dysfnal) #7

70% Widowmaker accuracy
50% Mcree accuracy
I’d say it has

Oh, and that’s only when I play DB first. If I play OW first a have hard day in DB.

(bontsa) #8

Playing pubs has made me increasingly good and efficent at home chores due short stomp matches which after I need 30min break to clear my head of the human stupidity I’ve been forced to witness.

(The_N00Ba) #9

stop spectating me then bontsa :stuck_out_tongue:

I have also noticed I am a lot better at L4D too because of DB

(Thai-San) #10

After all those hours of playing DB I went back to TF2 and I feel like I use and see the map layouts way better then before. Know when and how to retreat, don’t go the obvious ways but try to confuse the enemy with my pathing decisions, flank them or take them by surprise.

I’m a way better Pyro now because of that since he’s all movement and positioning. Same for Medic.

I’d even say my aiming/tracking also has improved.

(Mrarauzz) #11

It gave me the special skill of patience. Whenever a game I play lacks content I expect nothing. I expect shit balance changes and I am prepared for the most horrendous frame drops. DB also helped me appreciate other games more!

(JJMAJR) #12

I got better at Pokemon.

(CryonicArrow) #13

For me DB has mad me a better sniper in overwatch.

Ana 64% scoped
Widowmake 54% scoped

(deftMoon) #14

It helped me in real life actually. Very interesting. Now I am for heatshots rather than body.

(Your worst knifemare.) #15

Mario Kart…

(inscrutableShow) #16

It has had quite the opposite for me.

Friendly tip: Jumping off of cliffs in BF:BC2 is a bad idea.

(sgtCrookyGrin) #17

It’s going to be the opposite.

BF1 is a fast paced shooter with spread mechanics that discourages mindless action. The only thing Dirty Bomb has helped with is the movement, besides that the gun mechanics are a handicap.

But that’s not to say Dirty Bomb is bad, in fact I like the mechanics and overall game. (One of my favorite aspects of the game is the character design, you will never mistake a Aura with Sparks, a Skyhammer with Arty and etc.)

(Your worst knifemare.) #18


But that’s not to say Dirty Bomb is bad, in fact I like the mechanics and overall game. (One of my favorite aspects of the game is the character design, you will never mistake a Aura with Sparks, a Skyhammer with Arty and etc.)[/quote]

I hope your not including Thunder and Fragger…sometimes i confuse them.

(Boory Marks) #19

I’d say it made me better in any fps in hip-firing and movement. Scoped firing is meh.

(HunterAssassin5) #20

well im finally able to use single-shot weapons(not semi-autos, mind) without my hand just going the hell off target