Has Battle Royale Become The Despacito of Video games?

(TheStrangerous) #1

Seriously, every gaming corner I peek, there’s always a new game getting Battle Royale mode. No matter if it got released decades ago or soon to be released, the Battle Royale craze is gettin’ outa hand!

When will it end?

(TheManBehindTheMask) #2

Soon. 2 years tops.

(Shenaynays) #3

its gonna start to die down, then CS GO will finally release their Royal mode, which is effectively in the game asset wise. With that im guessing its gonna sky rocket the popularity of the genre again.

(CyberVonCyberus) #4

Honestly I’m waiting for my Steam forums battle royal mode where all sh*tposters, trolls and brave keyboard warriors shall tear eachother apart without mercy only for one to be left standing to watch the chaos and desolation he left in his wake then…

…He would question himself, why have we done any of this ? who were the people he insulted and ordered to kill themselves ? why were they fighting ? why has he wasted so much of his life doing that ? no fulfillment, no honor, no emotions, no honor, no obligations… THERE IS NO POINT IN IT ALL.

He would then realise that he is free, unbound from his screen, he could go away at his will and create and shape his life as he wishes…

… And I’ll be watching from afar enjoying the salt with a big bowl of French fries

(AlbinMatt) #5

@CyberVonCyberus said:
He would then realise that he is free, unbound from his screen, he could go away at his will and create and shape his life as he wishes…

Then he gets hit by taxes, student loans, and mortgage.

(CyberVonCyberus) #6

@AlbinMatt said:

Then he gets hit by taxes, student loans, and mortgage.

Heh, that’s the thing we never tell anyone about when we do this kind of motivational speeche