Alright people’s!
Looking to get a medic but can’t decide between the two
What’s your opinions on both?
Alright people’s!
Looking to get a medic but can’t decide between the two
What’s your opinions on both?
Get Kate or Gus, both have more utility than Angela. Kate has a vicious DoT ability and Gus can scoot anyone two squares in any direction you please. Angela is an alright choice, but way too rigid, and with no secondary ability.
Gus has more versatility than the other two in the sense he has 18 energy, which gives him more shooting after healing, and the push ability you get is very helpful for knocking enemies out of cover. The other two medics are kind of helpless after they move a couple squares and use a heal
Depends on what other team members you have. If you have mostly snipers in your team, suggest you get Gus Marx, great for pushing your opponent into snipers’ target, or vice versa (as Domm mentioned above )
well, actually there is no BETTER
Textbook Kate has a monstrous poison grenade that deals ~100dmg . the damage is not instand though - it does 25 + 3x25 , each 25ticks in the opponents round (so in 3 opponent rounds the grenade runs out and dealt 25dmg start and 75 dmg with the dot(damage over time)
the poison can be cured though - a heal at a poisoned target cures it.
the con at her is : 200hp herself - a well placed grenade from dave + artillery from commander and some shoots and she is dead
or a grenade on her (medics can’t heal theirselfes) and she is at 100–> close to death
she defenetly is good but overused too and you can counter her quite easy.
angela merci is one of the 2 most defensive characters in game.
she lacks attacking power but heals all OTHER alies within 3 squares around her for 20 per turn
she is not the best in 14pt games because there is no other good partner for her - if the aura would heal HERSELF a bit too, it would be perfect - but at the moment she is best in 20 or 26 point matches - you can use 1 medic here to counter the gas grenade on your whole team (because 5 dmg per turn is not so bad)
gus marx is underused at the moment - he is also good but hard to play
the good about him - it is SO DIFFICULT to foresee the opponents turn when he has a gus marx.
imagine a team with commander(hoo hah ar) + artillery ; angela merci-cockler mp ; ivan tkilya + hoo-hah ar - EASY to predict the turn
now commander(hoo-hah ar) + artillyer ; gus marx cockler mp ; Ivan Tkilya or any sniper with nice dmg output - HARD to predict
he can push you out, his character to fire at yours … hard to predict.
his watergun is good, but not overpowered( as some say) in my opinion. you bind 1 character for 1-2 rounds out of the battle in order to push another one into full battle .
he is difficult to use as I said -but he is good, underused, and good at all 3 gamemodes.
hope it helped
with friendly regards
Gus marx is my least fav character to go against for that reason alone, instead of thinking one step ahead i have to think 3. I dont have a problem with him pushing me but pushing your own character catches you off guard and TWO SQUARES IS ANNOYING!
Gus, simply because he has 300hp (Heavy) and he has that water cannon with the useful knockback ability.
I have the most fun with Gus - I find the water cannon both unique and interesting. Plus it’s kick ass.
Kate is a hoot - all the Lights are IMO. It’s hard to go wrong with them.
Even granting that Angela is just as powerful, I don’t think she’s nearly as much fun as the other two. She’s strictly for getting a change of pace or, as has been mentioned, the auto-heal is nice in higher-point matches.
If angelas healing is buffed to all surrounding AND herself , it will be awesome and she will be used.
at the moment she is so passive and gives no surprise.
if you want to make a match to look whos better or if it is better to be 1. or 2nd on a map, play with commander + artillery and 2 angelas . the game will be so boring, no surprise, no big damage, just bing bang bing bang heal heal and same from beginning.
I have to change my mind… I really love Angela, started playing her a time ago… I got tired of all of these Joan/Kate combos and had to find a secure team… Now I go with Angela and Gus… I really enjoying them, they just take the fire and then smiles; give me more.
I had 3 Kate’s and 2 Gus stacking their damage on my toons but it was no problem. Got to love the medics… lol
[QUOTE=Domm;426444]I have to change my mind… I really love Angela, started playing her a time ago… I got tired of all of these Joan/Kate combos and had to find a secure team… Now I go with Angela and Gus… I really enjoying them, they just take the fire and then smiles; give me more.
I had 3 Kate’s and 2 Gus stacking their damage on my toons but it was no problem. Got to love the medics… lol[/QUOTE]
Lol i hate going against 3 or more medics, te match usually takes FOREVER and usually beats me.
It’s got to be gus very versatile with water cannon and great health
Wow i like both, because boot have own an impotence, So it’s depend on you what u want. thanks
I love Angela, her defensive style allows me to (or try to XD) go all offensive, knowing she’s got my back (but who got hers?).
But daaamn Gus splash weapon hands down… m( _ _ )m He also has a lot of energy but, sincerely, I would not see him as much a threat without the squirting weapon.
Angela (as enemy) can still be annoying, though, I (almost) always try to take her first. lol
Ignore Geneva Conventions and kill the medics ! (what?! --they have weapons soo…)
Also this is kinda necro. xP