*you can skip reading this crap"
This is my first forum post after getting to level 61 in the game.
Sad how I did not get involved with the game discussion before but, better late than never.
end of crap
So, I just have an idea regarding guardian and the debate about her being a medic but still not being able to heal. IDK, someone might have already posted it before.
Guardian as we all know can only revive fallen teammates but falls short when it comes to healing them.
**The suggestion/idea: Simply make her bubble heal “not fallen” team-mates just like a health pack that gives more health the more it is charged. **
Now, the first debate on this idea would be that the merc would be overpowered with the distance to which she can heal.
Solution -
Well, just limit the bubble heal only to a certain distance from the merc. Visually this can be marked by changing the colour of the bubble.
Example - It could be “Green” when the bubble is in healing/reviving range. And Turn to “Blue” when in the only revive range.
The bubble already has a cool-down time and could work like a health pack just in a different form. Also it could heal and revive at the same time too.
When a “not fallen” merc and a “fallen” merc are in the bubble at the same time. The bubble would revive the already “fallen” merc and heal the “not fallen” merc.
I think it is an idea to be pondered upon and discussed upon. Because it is annoying how guardian cannot heal.