Guard Posts on SP Forest and MP Dam

(The Duke) #1

Hi Guys,

I am trying to create one of the guard posts with the alarms in them, with the red and white brick texture, (miltary_wall/brick_l_01), i’ve created the whole thing execept the front, to walk way into it, can’t seem to figure it out, the arch is giving me problems, I have tried creating a end cap, and then capping it, with a inverted end cap, but the top and the bottom of walls are way to narrow, I have tried missing with the vertices, and that hasn’t helped either, any suggestions would be great, also the rope or pipe on sp forest that connects between the two houses so you can get on the roof in the german base, I tried to create a cylinder and resize it, and it loses it’s round shape, and gets weird looking, is that made using curves or just small brushes put together, curves is not my strongest point yet can do simple things, but have problems when trying other things. Thanks, I am trying to make a practice map for my clan, and am basing it on the forest map, It is my favorite map in the game, and Think it should hopefully be a good practice for shooting and stuff like that in fields with trees. Thanks Again.

(The Duke) #2

well, I figured it out, been trying to figure that out for over a week, my question was if you had used a end cap to make the arch way for that guard station or if you just used normal brushes, and moved there edges. I was tring for a while to use a end cap, but it just did not look right, and I was having problems with the textures, I tried making it with normal brushes, and fix them so it formed a arch over the guard station, and then just clipped the two end pieces alittle so they look like the ones in the game. Not sure if this is how you guys did it or not, but it worked for me. but that was all I was asking.


(digibob) #3

I’ll check with Wils to see how he made them, get back to you later on that.

(The Duke) #4


(Wils) #5

They’re just brushes - the underside is in shadow so you don’t gain anything from using a patch.

(The Duke) #6

Thanks wils, I am still learning, but getting better, and really enjoy doing this, sometimes its hard to tell what was used by just looking during the game. Thanks Again.

(DiaZ) #7

Just as a note, by setting r_lightmap to “1”, you can see the difference between a curve patch and a group of brushes in most cases, in patches lighting is always smoother…

(digibob) #8

Never tried using phong shading then Diaz? :smile:

(Wils) #9

Best way to tell if something is a curve or not is by starting the map with /devmap and toggling r_nocurves from 0 to 1

[edit: toggline is not a word]

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Wils on 2002-10-16 17:06 ]</font>

(The Duke) #10

Thats really cool, I just used that on the sp forest map, and it worked very well, thanks, I just loaded up the game like normal but used the cheats code in my shortcut, and type that console command in, and all curves gone. is there any other commands like that that could be use full when testing maps, maybe like drawing wire frame mesh on all the brushes or something like that, although I don’t think that one maybe available.

(Wils) #11

I’m assuming you know about noclip, god, give all, etc, but there’s some other stuff you may find useful:

r_lightmap 0/1 (strips shader layers and only draws lightmap - can be useful for seeing where you have lighting errors or just not enough light being cast)

r_showtris 0/1 (draws a wireframe version of all visible brushes - very useful for finding T Junctions and other brush errors)

r_speeds 0/1 (repeatedly echos a few performance related stats to the console until you turn it off - the most important one being the Tris value at the end)

r_lockpvs 0/1 (locks your visibility at your current location, enabling you to /noclip around the map to get a better idea of what you can actually see from that position)

r_drawworld 0/1 (can be useful if you have entity problems - turns off the world, leaving the game entities (doors, func_explosives, etc))

r_drawentities 0/1 (opposite of above - may help finding vis problems)

r_novis 0/1 (turns off vising, letting you see the entire map)

r_clear 0/1 (setting this to 1 clears the frame buffer each frame, leaving a pink background which can be useful for finding brush errors or cracks in surfaces)