GtkRadiant 1.6.4 Released

(obsidian) #1

GtkRadiant 1.6.4

MacOS X, Quake 2 and improved 4-view layout.

It’s been a slow year for GtkRadiant, but it’s time to call it done for 1.6.4!

See the full release notes, and check the downloads for your operating system.

Thank you to Jay Dolan for his massive involvement in this release, bringing us MacOS X support as well as Quake 2 support. And thanks to all the testers on QuakeNet #radiant irc.

What’s next you ask? We will probably scan through the issues list and build a hit list of things to look at for a 1.6.5 release.


[li]MacOS X support and official binaries available[/li][li]Added support for Quake2World [1] and vanilla Quake2 [2][/li][li]Added support for Return to Castle Wolfenstein[/li][li]Added Star Trek Voyage: Elite Force game pack[/li][li]Added Jedi Academy gamepack[/li][li]Project codebase updated to Visual Studio 2012 on Windows, including all supporting libraries (gtk, jpeg, libxml)[/li][li]On Windows, choice of 32 bit q3map2 or 64 bit q3map2. Note that the editor itself is still a 32 bit application.[/li][li]Added -exportents option to q3map2 and q3map2_urt: some idTech3 games can load entities from a separate file than the .bsp[/li][li]Increased the max textures directory limit[/li][li]Added support for multiple vertex selection and drag[/li][li]Added a toolbar button to toggle creating detail brushes or structural brushes by default[/li][li]Added a preference option to create all brushes with a caulk texture[/li][li]Numerous fixes to the 4-view layout, in particular to the floating dialog window that works with it[/li][li]idTech3 surface inspector was redone and simplified[/li][li]Improved GL font rendering on Windows[/li][li]A lot of code cleanups[/ul][/li]

Official GtkRadiant Site:

GitHub Project Page:

Mailing List:

Bugs and Discussions:

You are encouraged to run this latest version and if you experience any issues, you can report them here or on the IRC channel. Thanks.

Filing a bug report:

[li]Make sure to summarizes the problem.[/li][li]Accurately describe how to reproduce the bug in precise steps. If it cannot be reproduced, it will be difficult to fix.[/li][li]Precisely describe the observed result and the expected result.[/li][li]Check your settings and configuration in case these are relevant to the problem.[/li][li]Make sure you list your relevant hardware, operating system, version of GtkRadiant, or any other system information.[/ul][/li]
Merry Christmas!

(W0lfMan) #2

The Mac OS X binary is much appreciated!

(ronboy) #3

I just downloaded and installed this version of Radiant. It works great! Only one small problem, see on attachment. The texture works fine when the map is compiled though, so it’s not really a big problem. :slight_smile: