Greetings from Clan WF

(NiteMare) #1

Hello, I am NiteMare from the WF, Way for Fun, Clan on RTCW: Enemy Territory. I am an Elite Sniper of the clan and TRying to Become a map Modifier/Maker and also trying to learn how to make skins.

I can make Decient signatures provided with an image. I hope you all have a wonderful day.

Thanks for the Welcome!

(Fluffy_gIMp) #2

Welcome NiteMare! you’ve come to the right place! :slight_smile:

(shagileo) #3

Welcome here !


Good luck with your mapping ambitions and show us some of your signature art

(twt_thunder) #4

wilkomen to the best comunity ever…thought about changing the name on server to sd clan or so :smiley:

(macbeth) #5

welcome aboard

though u know me already

(jaksones) #6

you guys are really tempt me!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------lace front wigs wedding dress synthetic wigs