Got an overwatch beta key, so long dirty bamb.

(handyHeirloom) #1

You were fun for the 3 months you lasted, but i’m off to bigger and better things, saiyanara old friend :smiley:

(Mr-Penguin) #2

Ok. Have fun with your game where none of the characters make sense from a design standpoint!

But seriously, none of the characters make sense. We’ve got a few knight/angel looking characters, Mad Max style thugs, people wearing futuristic armor, and a goddamned cowboy. It makes no sense! The character design annoys me!

end rant

(DB Genome editor) #3

[quote=“derpypenguinz19;102292”]Ok. Have fun with your game where none of the characters make sense from a design standpoint!

But seriously, none of the characters make sense. We’ve got a few knight/angel looking characters, Mad Max style thugs, people wearing futuristic armor, and a goddamned cowboy. It makes no sense! The character design annoys me!

end rant[/quote]

I kind of liked the character designs at first, didn’t mind the techno-medieval look at all as it was fairly coherent across. But some of the recent releases (roller-blading disk-jockey and the Mad Max dudes you mentioned) are indeed weird and too cartoony for my taste.

(neverplayseriou) #4

Beta keys don’t exist. facepalm

(Sir_Slam) #5

Overwatch looks like it’ll be an entirely different game from Dirty Bomb. I don’t see the point in only playing one.

(Ctrix) #6

Uh yeah. Unless you’re a PR target (twitch streamer, youtube content creator), the key you got was a scam. They’re around currently. The only keys released so far were for the promotional.

(LCTR) #7

It’s not like a console where you can only put one disk in the drive - with PCs you can actually store multiple programs at once. It’s really terrifically handy!

So you can install that Overwatch Beta AND keep Dirty Bomb installed at the same time!!

:smiley: :smiley:

(Faraleth) #8

The door’s always open for you to return! Have fun with the new game - gonna close this though, because this is the Dirty Bomb forums. I’m sure Overwatch has it’s own for such discussions.