Good connection, bad ping ONLY on dirty bomb

(redruMfloW) #1

Hi dirty bombers

I have a strange problem with dirty bomb, I have a good VDSL2 connection (1160 meters -12 dB)

In most games this connection rocks, I have 10-20 ms ping tested right now in Arma 3, Mechwarrior Online, Killing Floor 2 and Team Fortress 2

And Dirty Bomb ???

It’s not a bug of the server browser I really have to deal with this in game and it’s sincerely annoying.

In the network monitor while playing I see 2 IPs related to dirty bomb on port 443 on port 80

The first on doesn’t ping and tracert end at Las Vegas (I’m in France)
The second one quickly end (10ms) at an Akamai server
None of this results explain my ping problem.

Where are the European DB servers and is there a better way to test my connection to it ?
Why Dirty Bomb is the only game with ping problem with my setup ?

(Amerika) #2

I’m confused…you have really good pings in that picture. Also, there are no DB servers in France but I’d wager people are running Arma servers in France. So due to network routing and physics you’d obviously have a lower ping to those servers than to out of country DB servers.

DB servers in Europe are located in the UK, I think Sweden and possibly somewhere else. None are in France to my recollection but i’m sure somebody from the EU might have more accurate information.

(redruMfloW) #3

It was a good ping ten years ago, UK and France aren’t that far, my friends in France have usual 2016 ADSL pings (<30ms)
I looked in Arma 3 and TF2 for servers with [UK] tag and I still have 15-20ms
There is really a problem with Dirty Bomb ONLY

(Amerika) #4

[quote=“redruMfloW;181986”]It was a good ping ten years ago, UK and France aren’t that far, my friends in France have usual 2016 ADSL pings (<30ms)
I looked in Arma 3 and TF2 for servers with [UK] tag and I still have 15-20ms
There is really a problem with Dirty Bomb ONLY[/quote]

It’s not a “problem” with Dirty Bomb. It’s simply the routing and distance from where you are to where the DB servers are. I’m in the US and there are some servers that are within half a state of me that I ping much higher to than servers that are located quite a few states from me and significantly farther distance. Due to the nature of networking/routing that’s just how things work out sometime.

Also, your pings are extremely good for DB. DB is not heavily ping reliant which is why there is constantly US players on EU teams and EU players on US teams and also tons of US vs. EU matches. Your ping times are virtually the same as mine. 20ms ping vs. 65ms ping in DB is not going to produce different results for you in DB.