Good at ETQW? Represent the US at the World Cyber Games!

(retsy) #41

mmmmmm…no. :eek:

(treefrog) #42

Pick Fate.

You can see me talk smack in 한국의 to the Korean gamers.

(INF3RN0) #43

Might enter another mix team of new/old players if there is an elimination tourney (have some interested peeps). I am still loling about this whole thing xD!!

(Mattc0m) #44

I’m putting together a team. Mostly hk peeps but let me know.

(Seanza) #45

Taking slotz? Or TreeFrog?!

(INF3RN0) #46

Got about 6 :/, but mahbe we can scrim much :D. Also on a side note, x6 will be playing probably roflz.

(.Chris.) #47

Anyone noticed how different the last stages of sewer are on their version? Looks really odd seeing it with different layout,

(dep) #48

The final objective revision seems pretty fitting though because the original was practically a fortress for the defending team. :oppressor:

(light_sh4v0r) #49

It looks like they did something very odd with the jumping as well. You seem to jump higher and slower.

(.Chris.) #50

My thoughts exactly, seems to make it more offensive biased map which makes it better for competition.

Would be awesome if could somehow get it into our version of ET:QW. Wonder what others maps they have changed.

(matsy) #51

[QUOTE=.Chris.;240169]My thoughts exactly, seems to make it more offensive biased map which makes it better for competition.

Would be awesome if could somehow get it into our version of ET:QW. Wonder what others maps they have changed.[/QUOTE]

After seeing the sewer map I watched a version of Ark which looks really good, 1st and 2nd stages look the same with the last stage basicly a straight line now for the GDF to get to the objective (which when i first started playing I always got lost) , the objective room looks bigger / more room around the objective so its not as compact and then the strogg have to blow up a side door to get to use the short route to the objective…

(v1D) #52

Agreed. Interested in seeing how it plays now… should be nicer for the offense.

(aA.) #53

so who’s playing for europe badman?

(treefrog) #54

I was never part of Hk.
Although it was always fun competing against Slotz.

(badman) #55

Tiny update for any interested Euro teams: The WCG is open to inviting additional European teams provided those teams cover flights and hotels.

(hly) #56

Besides providing airfare / hotel what are the prizes for this tournament in LA?

(INF3RN0) #57

7k prizes ought to be worth a plane ticket cough cough.

(badman) #58

The prize breakdown is as follows:

1st place - $3,000
2nd place - $2,000
3rd place - $1,000
4th place - $1,000

Bearing in mind that they’ll accept a total of four teams for this event, you’re guaranteed to win something even if you come last.

(rookie1) #59

how can I play QW online ?its all in korean dunno where to download in english

(badman) #60

There’s no English version at the moment, so it’s not possible to play QWO outside of Korea atm. We have a very limited number of keys and we will provide each member of the winning US team with one so they can practice.