Gltch Gamers: $20 Comp For teabagging Nader

(SighFye) #1

Hey guys, as mentioned in the most recent dev video, we are giving away a $20 steam card. To clarrify, this is a $20 USD steam card not AUD. Steam doesn’t do AUD yet :frowning:

All the details you need can be found here

I look forward to seeing you in game and tea bagging.

If you are looking for a fun friendly, and mature clan we are recruiting too :slight_smile: You can apply to join on our website.

If you just wanna say hi and get to know us, you can join our discord too. There a join link on our website .

(Press E) #2

I love the idea of this lol. Too bad it’s limited to one server though, AUS gives me unplayable ping :frowning:

(SighFye) #3

Yeah sorry about that, the comp is to promote our server in the Oceanic communities :slight_smile:

(jemstar) #4

Nice one Sighe!!!

I like the way you trick peeps into T-Bagging Nader just so I can get more marty parties!!!

I appreciate it!

(SighFye) #5

Not a problem Jem. I like to do what I can for my friends. I’ve started playing Nader more myself so people always have someone to t-bag. I’m getting to like her. May have to steal your girl

(Mustang) pinned #6

(Mustang) #7

Good luck everyone, hopefully there will be compilation video at the end.

(AlbinMatt) #8

"Vulgarly tbags a potentially suicidal German lawyer


Best of luck in the event, we medics aren’t getting involved.

(Your worst knifemare.) #9

I would t-bag Nader even without the prize.

(AlbinMatt) #11

Whatever you said must have been extra dank for your conscience to take over.

(jemstar) #12

Nah not really just decided it wasn’t that relevant to this thread as i 1st thought!

(SighFye) #13

I am assuming it was “Meow”

(jemstar) #14

you will nevaaa know!

(SighFye) #15

There’s only 5 days left to get your tickets into the Teabag for $20 comp. There’s already been some fun as videos and some amazing ones. If you are interested the details can be found here

Entries close on 31st July at Midnight.

(Mustang) unpinned #16

(SighFye) #17

Well our competition is over and the winner was the Rhino god Ominous. Here’s the clip video Bellistik put together

(Mustang) #18

Haha, great compilation.