Gen 3 loadout cards - Why?

(Mc1412013) #41

@TitaniumRapture said:

@Mc1412013 said:

@stayfreshshoe said:
Lot’s a reasons. To distribute the new primaries, update, remove or add new Augments… The list goes on. As and when we get closer to another generation, we’ll drop you all of the info

Proxy with katana
nader phantom with hurtsall please

Pls no. I dont want to see all these newbie proxies with katanas everywhere. :confused:


(Guziol) #42

If nader had h2k i don’t think i would be playing any other merc.

(Ptiloui) #43

@Guziol said:
If nader had h2k i don’t think i would be playing any other merc.

Im pretty sure she will never got it. Hurtsall2K and Shar-C are assault rifles, which Nader doesn’t have access to.

(Mc1412013) #44

@Ptiloui said:

@Guziol said:
If nader had h2k i don’t think i would be playing any other merc.

Im pretty sure she will never got it. Hurtsall2K and Shar-C are assault rifles, which Nader doesn’t have access to.

Wouldnt be the first time sd did something that made us go wtf

(Jigstraw) #45

A fair amount of augments are still rather useless. Enigma for example. Or Extra Supplies on kira/stoker, since the cooldown of the ammo station was reduced so drastically.

(binderr) #46

It’s January already, I want gen 3 release date!! :#

(TheStrangerous) #47

And then they release gen 4 “THE TRUE GEN CARDS” on full release, making previous gens obsolete beta test cards :wink:

Gotta swindle them vets and whales and gambling addicts!

(binderr) #48

@TheStrangerous said:
And then they release gen 4 “THE TRUE GEN CARDS” on full release, making previous gens obsolete beta test cards :wink:

Gotta swindle them vets and whales and gambling addicts!

You made me laugh real hard :smiley: thank you.

(Eox) #49

@bgyoshi said:

@MuddyGrenade said:

I’m still waiting to play with Katana and Timik Sparks.

@$!# you

@LoafOfBread said:

Me want.

@$!# you

@teflonlove said:

Yes, and with Pineapple Juggler and Try Hard perks. <3

DOUBLE @$!# you

I’m going to go drink in a corner until I die

#Ban >:(

(Xenithos) #50

@Eox said:

@bgyoshi said:

@MuddyGrenade said:

I’m still waiting to play with Katana and Timik Sparks.

@$!# you

@LoafOfBread said:

Me want.

@$!# you

@teflonlove said:

Yes, and with Pineapple Juggler and Try Hard perks. <3

DOUBLE @$!# you

I’m going to go drink in a corner until I die

#Ban >:(

That was a surprisingly appropriate joke.

(ThePigVomit) #51

Well, now they’ve confirmed…no gen 3 cards, at all.

(Mc1412013) #52

@ThePigVomit said:
Well, now they’ve confirmed…no gen 3 cards, at all.

Well the new base cards could be gen 3 if it makes you happy

(bgyoshi) #53

@Eox said:

#Ban >:(


Everyone’s nightmare!

(Mr.Cuddlesworth) #54