Gen 3 loadout cards - Why?

(Cletus_VanDamme) #1

So when Gen 2 loadout cards were released we were given the reason that because many augments were useless, this was the only way to balance loadouts, as they couldn’t change things that were already in someone’s inventory.

So that’s the question, what’s the point of releasing yet another generation of loadout cards?

(hurgya) #2

To distribute the new primaries

(TheStrangerous) #3

Obviously from their business standpoint:

(Sorotia) #4

Still dream of the day of a MK46 Fragger! :stuck_out_tongue:

(Muddy Muddy Mud Nade) #5

@Sorotia said:
Still dream of the day of a MK46 Fragger! :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m still waiting to play with Katana and Timik Sparks.


@hurgya said:
To distribute the new primaries

Hopefully this and only this. Don’t want to see anything extreme or too many new augments.

(Press E) #7

@Wintergreen said:

@hurgya said:
To distribute the new primaries

Hopefully this and only this. Don’t want to see anything extreme or too many new augments.

I highly doubt it will be. There are still lots of iffy or downright terrible gen 2 cards. When gen 2 came out, there was no way SD could know how each card would work out in game. This is basically their chance to balance them.

Gen 3 could also turn into basically an expanded gen 2, seeing as how much SD has enjoyed their “gen 1 weeks”. Basically just think of it as a few more cards to choose from.

(binderr) #8

So any news on exactly when we’ll be seeing gen 3 cards??
I’ve got 150k saved up so I can get me favourite mercs at least one gold card each. :wink:

(boerhae) #9

Someone suggested SMG9 Aimee (not sure who) a little while ago and while that is extreme, I think the idea is cool. It would make Aimee more distinct from Vassili and I think they’re too similar right now. It’ll probably never happen though.

What I think is realistic, and something I’m hoping for, is a SHAR-C (Jav’s exclusive primary) on a lighter merc like Turtle or Phantom (still probably crazy)


@boerhae said:
Someone suggested SMG9 Aimee (not sure who) a little while ago and while that is extreme, I think the idea is cool. It would make Aimee more distinct from Vassili and I think they’re too similar right now. It’ll probably never happen though.

A suppressed sub or machine pistol for Recons could work well, imo. That or make the PDP suppressed. Could make it a little more distinct and viable.

@STARRYSOCK, yeah, but I’m hoping for only a few. Not an entire rehaul with odd combinations and the majority rendering G2 pretty useless. I base that only off of the drastic jump from G1 to G2. There are only a handful of G1 cards still worth using. Only about 5 or 6 come to mind.

(Press E) #11

@boerhae said:
Someone suggested SMG9 Aimee (not sure who) a little while ago and while that is extreme, I think the idea is cool. It would make Aimee more distinct from Vassili and I think they’re too similar right now. It’ll probably never happen though.

Honestly I’d love to see recons without strictly recon weapons. We have too many snipers with little variation as it is.

And even if they gave her the blish, I’d play the shit out of aimee with something besides a sniper rifle.

(Mr.Cuddlesworth) #12

(Teflon Love) #13

@MuddyGrenade said:

@Sorotia said:
Still dream of the day of a MK46 Fragger! :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m still waiting to play with Katana and Timik Sparks.

Yes, and with Pineapple Juggler and Try Hard perks. <3

(Mr-Penguin) #14

Main reasons I think for Gen 3 is to give other mercs the weapons introduced by Javelin, Guardian, and soon Hunter as well as new augments.

Plus, if trading is going to be a thing with the new weapon skin system in the future, phasing out Gen 2 loadouts would make them that much more collectible.

(Chilled Sanity) #15

@MuddyGrenade said:

@Sorotia said:
Still dream of the day of a MK46 Fragger! :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m still waiting to play with Katana and Timik Sparks.

Me want.

(TheStrangerous) #16

Calling it, Phantom will have batongs and eskimo knives (the ones Hunter was shown with), to please those melee fools.

(Begin2018) #17

Gen 3 loadout cards - Why?
Because SD don’t understand their priorities should be to change CMM/Ranked system and to make lots of new maps (+1 for Castle then) to keep their “veterans” player base.

(FishRolls) #18

Hopefully so they can take the Katana off Kira.

(Mc1412013) #19

@FishRolls said:
Hopefully so they can take the Katana off Kira.

Nope its going to give proxy the katana as well as part of the merc ballancing.

Lol haha

(Your worst knifemare.) #20

Sparps gets the zappy stick to fit her theme.

Kiratana loadouts will get chopper and/or quick slash.