Game freezes during Intro video or first menus for single-core CPUs

(Hoodedsniper) #101

still hoping for a patch :confused:

(deadguyperez) #102

I haven’t seen you post your log that the dev requested… If you want a patch help out and do what he said.

(Nail) #103

his computer is WAY below minimum spec, it will not run

(deadguyperez) #104

You again? Troll someplace else would ya. We’ve already proven your an idiot twice. But you wouldn’t know that since you dont know how to read.

Helpful responses only please!

(loller) #105

That makes no freaking sense. All I’m seeing is that you’re the one trolling around here. First of all you missed my point with the no official response, now you’re just replying nonsense and insulting the guy above you, when his pointing out the obvious.

Im going to say this again: theres no patch coming for single cores. Deal with it. They’ve ( the devs ) announced everytime as you can see on the first page, when there was an upcoming patch regarding other issues. Now stop insulting and stop trolling.

(deadguyperez) #106

Hey all I know is that a dev has asked for logs. Im just trying to help and get others to do the same. Does it mean we’re getting a patch cause he asked for a log? No.

But there’s no reason to say yet that we’re not. Just a matter of time.

(Hoodedsniper) #107

Why do you even bother posting ****.

If i cant run brink then how the **** can i run the witcher 2 completely fine.

Its not my fault splash damage cant optimize their engine.

(loller) #108

[QUOTE=Hoodedsniper;314750]Why do you even bother posting ****.

If i cant run brink then how the **** can i run the witcher 2 completely fine.

Its not my fault splash damage cant optimize their engine.[/QUOTE]

you can run the witcher 2 just fine on a single core? dont make me laugh… what are your specs…? the witcher 2 runs around 30-40 fps on a AMD quad, 2x 5770 and 4 GB of rams on medium/low and you’re running it fine? There are loads of reports with the game running bad so you;'re just full of bs.

(Hoodedsniper) #109

i run on all low with 24-30 fps which is fine for me because at least i can PLAY THE GAME.

i have my processor oced at 2.8+ghz and gtx 460 SE and 4gb of ram with an AMD athlon 64 fx-55 on windows 7 64 bit.

(ArcticFroggy) #110

I bought The Witcher 2 yesterday. Other than the little framedrops each 4-5 minutes, I have no problems running it. Brink, on the other side, can’t run on my PC.
optimize, optimize, optimize

(Daikenkais) #111

ya… i have the same issue, i dont think i have a duo core processor, but like most have said, i can run most games just fine, If they make a patch for it, awesome, but if they dont, well, then single core users will have to accept that they wasted 50 dollars on a game they thot they cud play, myself included.

mine is AMD Athlon™ Processor LE-1640 2.70GHz
2 gigs of ram, a geforce 9500 GT nvidia card
hoping i can get my own duo core, or a patch can be released.

(Sabayon) #112

Heres one…

Obviously it wants 4.8ghz total… Why can’t people read before they buy a game.

(Deadwalking) #113

^+10 this!

(davidemo89) #114

They fixed it.

Now I can run the game with no FPS problems with this spec

Processor: AMD Opteron™ Processor 250 (2 CPUs), ~2.4GHz

(vejn) #115

[QUOTE=ArcticFroggy;318712]I bought The Witcher 2 yesterday. Other than the little framedrops each 4-5 minutes, I have no problems running it. Brink, on the other side, can’t run on my PC.
optimize, optimize, optimize[/QUOTE]

Which is you processor ?
I have Athlon xp 2800 single core. Will I run it?