Sounds like you are trying to make a turn-based strategy game with the League of Legends business model; IE in game characters which can be earned or bought along with paid vanity items; not a bad model to work off - seems strange you did not say that in your interview though as it’s a model that people know and understand.
I wish you luck with the title as I for one love the old turn based games Rebelstar (still the best in my eyes), Laser Squad, X-Com, right through to Frozen Synapse; though for some reason it’s not as much fun as it should be.
With Riot showing the world that a high quality F2P game can make LOADS of money there is now an industry rush towards the F2P model as it eliminates a lot of the pit falls facing the modern developer, one of which is piracy; the game is free but all items are stored server side. The only problem with this is that as the market becomes more crowded only the best games will be profitable but unlike the pay to play model, you can’t just advertise and hype a game into profitability (throws a quick glance at Brink) as the consumer will play the game before he decides he wants to spend any money on it.
I for one can’t wait to see if you can deliver the quality games you speak of without the restraints of a publisher, either way you are putting your money where your mouth is and if you succeed both yourself and the gamer will be rewarded.
Short answer; can’t wait to see the game in June.
P.S - Now that Splash Damage has gone F2P it lets me off what would have been a difficult moral dilemma as I said I would never buy another one of your games after the Brink fiasco, now I don’t have too.
Edit; Looking at the other threads on forum I now feel this might be in the wrong one…feel free to move.