fun skins

(theBCL) #1

go out buy the rights to some old almost abandon wear video games that had recognizable characters. then sell the skin on a card. take the money from the sale of the cards to buy a more recognizable characters. then continue. this all comes from a redeye skin that looks like shipwreck. i almost fell out of my chair laughing. i know i would have to play phantom if it was a snake eyes skin. rhino was sergeant hatred. thunder as hawk from road warriors. proxy as gaz or some other goth girl. it doenst have to all mercs at once just use the one with the least play till its no longer the least played then switch

(Mooks101) #2

I really want some event skins to come out again.
It’s been too long.

(doxjq) #3

I’m kind of over skins any way. I’d prefer actual models or something. Like the Fragger wearing an army helmet, Bushwhacker with an ordinary hat, Arty with no helmet etc. The re-skinned thing is just getting old and I haven’t liked any of the skins since CW any way.

Bring back the elite skins I reckon. Introduce them as obsidian cards or something. I’d pay for them if they were good cards.

(Jostabeere) #4

I am heavily insulted by this. Gaz is an awesome character and Proxy is an annoying minemonkey who doesn’t deserve such a skin.

(GatoCommodore) #5

I am heavily insulted by this. Gaz is an awesome character and Proxy is an annoying minemonkey who doesn’t deserve such a skin.[/quote]

which gaz?
i believe Gaz in the COD 4 died in MW2.

i thought i read Fur Skins.
Furries get off my lawn REEEE

(Jostabeere) #6

I am heavily insulted by this. Gaz is an awesome character and Proxy is an annoying minemonkey who doesn’t deserve such a skin.[/quote]

which gaz?
i believe Gaz in the COD 4 died in MW2.

I doubt CoD gaz is a goth girl.
OP means Gaz from Invader Zim.

(BananaSlug) #7

I am heavily insulted by this. Gaz is an awesome character and Proxy is an annoying minemonkey who doesn’t deserve such a skin.[/quote]

which gaz?
i believe Gaz in the COD 4 died in MW2.

I doubt CoD gaz is a goth girl.
OP means Gaz from Invader Zim.


maybe he just ment to say Gas? soo you can blow it up by shoting

(Nibbles02) #8

maybe he just ment to say Gas? soo you can blow it up by shoting

You might want to fix your bbcode before you get flagged for spam.

(bontsa) #9

I thought I froze my timeline again while reading @BananaSlug 's comment

(BananaSlug) #10

maybe he just ment to say Gas? soo you can blow it up by shoting

You might want to fix your bbcode before you get flagged for spam.[/quote]
sorry, not sure why that happened :stuck_out_tongue:

edit:maybe its because i am viewing forums on phone

(Jostabeere) #11

Now I wanna see how it looked first.

(Dagasawr) #12

what about games they might still own the rights to like quake wars / ET / Brink? that would be cool imo :slight_smile:

(doxjq) #13

(X-aited) #14

i want this. will have the best k/d ever.

On a serious Side i would enjoy obsidian cards with looks inspired of real life military or military-like units. I am bad in explaining this. Just take Rainbow Six Siege as Example.
When this skins would cost like 5 Bucks and i can either choose which Loadout i get or i can reroll the card afterwards i will buy cards for my main mercs.

(FalC_16) #15

[quote=“Dox;204969”]I’m kind of over skins any way. I’d prefer actual models or something. Like the Fragger wearing an army helmet, Bushwhacker with an ordinary hat, Arty with no helmet etc. The re-skinned thing is just getting old and I haven’t liked any of the skins since CW any way.

Bring back the elite skins I reckon. Introduce them as obsidian cards or something. I’d pay for them if they were good cards.[/quote]

this. I also want to see new player models! Ofc happy to toss some cash for them too!

(sgtCrookyGrin) #16

We should totally have this,

(said no one ever)

(Chilled Sanity) #17

[quote=“sgtCrookyGrin;205524”]We should totally have this,

(said no one ever)[/quote]

Clown skin suits mine monkey

(Nail) #18

I’d like Brink style cutomization

(Shinywindow) #19


It would also suit the game’s lore and setting since London is COVERED by private military advertisements, especially in Underground. Fletcher canonically owns a gun business, Aimee’s got connections with the fashion industry, and Turtle is making cool prosthetics.

I could see SD introducing a cosmetics themed event in the future hosted by the mercs, probably inspired by seeing Vassili’s awful founder’s skin and wanting better fashion choices.

Aside from that, the alpha state of the game had different character models too (Aura in bantu knots, Sawbonez with cornrows or dreads, Fragger in a beanie). And I’m hoping to see those again.

(BananaSlug) #20

i would like to have “overgrown” skin (i think thats the old name of cammo pattern on fouders weapons), but i also dont want drastic model changes, like for example i played against founder sawbonez and when i saw him i thought its arty, i think you get my point :wink: