Full CTF and Domination?

(Sloggy) #1

So far we have basic “attack and defend” (Terminal, Underground, first two thirds of Trainyard), escort/Payload (Bridge and Chapel), and on some maps one team has to pull of a CTF in delivering an objective (Bridge, Chapel, and last third of Trainyard).

Are there any plans for two flag CTF, neutral flag CTF, or domination (e.g. charge up your team’s capacitors first)?

(Draza) #2

[quote=“Sloggy;16992”]So far we have basic “attack and defend” (Terminal, Underground, first two thirds of Trainyard), escort/Payload (Bridge and Chapel), and on some maps one team has to pull of a CTF in delivering an objective (Bridge, Chapel, and last third of Trainyard).

Are there any plans for two flag CTF, neutral flag CTF, or domination (e.g. charge up your team’s capacitors first)?
No, as far as i know. Right now they are working on Execution mode and more maps, which are greatly needed. I don’t think we’ll see the modes you mentioned. Maybe after release?

(Samniss_Arandeen) #3

As much as I would love a pope CTF implementation, I don’t think that’s going to come fo quite some time. I’m inclined to agree with @Draza above me that we pobably won’t see it until elease.