from where did the defib solving everything stereotype came from ?

(CyberVonCyberus) #1

so it seems a lot of modern FPS games have that stereotype of having defibs bieng magical tools to raise the dead while in real life they only serve a purpose if the patient has a heart attack
so i would like to know from where did this stereotype come from

(CyberVonCyberus) #2

i find it funny how defibs are the solution to everything
-your friend got shot down ? DEFIBS !
-your friend broke his legs ? DEFIBS !
-your friend is suffering of 3rd degree burns ? DEFIBS !
-your friend nearly got poisoned to death ? DEFIBS !
-you forgot to bring a knife/cricket bat with you ? DEFIBS !

(sgtCrookyGrin) #3

[quote=“memorableCarrot;204245”]i find it funny how defibs are the solution to everything
-your friend got shot down ? DEFIBS !
-your friend broke his legs ? DEFIBS !
-your friend is suffering of 3rd degree burns ? DEFIBS !
-your friend nearly got poisoned to death ? DEFIBS !
-you forgot to bring a knife/cricket bat with you ? DEFIBS ![/quote]

It’s very thematic and I think it stems from movies which was the original inspiration for games, thus gaming has kept it and its stayed to this day.

That’s a theory, A GAME THEORY! Thx for reading!