Found a brazen Cheater in Dirty Bomb

(Faceglitch) #1

I found this guy called in a casual game. He was obviously cheating, as you can see in the video.
Pls help me to get him banned on steam.

His Steam acc is linked in the videos description, it´s still up to your decision whether you report him or not.

EDIT: Had to remove the video link due to the forum rules.

(K1X455) #2

It’s a smurf account

(GatoCommodore) #3

@Faceglitch said:
I found this guy called in a casual game. He was obviously cheating, as you can see in the video.
Pls help me to get him banned on steam.

+++THIS is his STEAM PROFILE: +++

If you see him in Game report him there as well :grin:

no name forum rules

i already reported him the moment your video is in my notification.


We have a no naming & shaming policy here on the forum to protect players who are falsely accused of performing a disallowed action such as cheating. Furthermore it prevents giving these nasty individuals the attention they attempt to acquire with their behaviour and hinders the potential advertisement of cheats.

Please report any suspicious activities you notice through the in-game report system or by sending a support ticket.

(TR_Kama) #5

thats right no naming and shaming thats how @kirays gets away with cheating xD lol

(Faceglitch) #6

@Kirays said:
We have a no naming & shaming policy here on the forum to protect players who are falsely accused of performing a disallowed action such as cheating. Furthermore it prevents giving these nasty individuals the attention they attempt to acquire with their behaviour and hinders the potential advertisement of cheats.

Please report any suspicious activities you notice through the in-game report system or by sending a support ticket.

Im sry didn´t know ´bout this rule :dizzy:

Well, Ive linked the guy in my video, it´s up to the community to decide wheter he is cheating or just really good :

@Kirays hope it´s okay to still link the video :grimace:

(Faceglitch) #7

@K1X455 said:
It’s a smurf account

I really don´t think so, as he was instantly headshotting my entire team across half the map, which is pretty hard to do with guardians assault rifle :grimace:

It´s still up to your decision whether you report him or not :grin:

(K1X455) #8

@Faceglitch said:

@K1X455 said:
It’s a smurf account

I really don´t think so, as he was instantly headshotting my entire team across half the map, which is pretty hard to do with guardians assault rifle :grimace:

It´s still up to your decision whether you report him or not :grin:

It’s a smurf account to tests these kind of “leverage” applications

I got more incriminating screenshots of players, but after deliberation, we have doubts if the screenshot was worth anything at all. Still I’ll have to submit it to SD for evaluation.


No, it’s not allowed. Please don’t understand me wrong, I’m certain you are just here to help get rid of these stupid cheaters disturbing the in-game experience, that’s a great attitude and something you shouldn’t drop by any means! :slight_smile:
I’m also aware that the player you have linked is cheating, there is no doubt about that. However if we did allow naming & shaming people would start witch hunting players who create the impression of cheating while they are playing with clean hands so to speak.

(Faceglitch) #10

@Kirays said:
No, it’s not allowed. Please don’t understand me wrong, I’m certain you are just here to help get rid of these stupid cheaters disturbing the in-game experience, that’s a great attitude and something you shouldn’t drop by any means! :slight_smile:
I’m also aware that the player you have linked is cheating, there is no doubt about that. However if we did allow naming & shaming people would start witch hunting players who create the impression of cheating while they are playing with clean hands so to speak.

@Kirays I totally understand that.

Didn´t thought about it when posting this :sweat_smile:

(Eox) #11

Have you tried to report that guy to the support yet ?