Best pardon ever:
Forum loads slow
heheh nice.
The site seems a lot faster for me btw, haven’t seen that database error anymore
Haven’t had a Database error or a slow load since the upgrade (or whatever it is you guys did)
Nice job
Yeah it does seem to be loading better, but now there seems to be a constant whining noise coming from the Brink section, is there anything that can be done about that?
Brink section is a mess imo, I usually get through 2-3 topics before I just get too annoyed by the one line posts that add absolutely nothing to the conversation. Just trying to aggravate people.
Also interesting how it always seems to be the same people over and over.
Also the constant spam of topics about the same thing is ridiculous.
Add to that the fact that everybody is talking about their platform, sometimes it takes 10 replies before they realize the OP was talking about the 360 and their babbling on about the PC version…
Also the majority of 360 players seem to know everything about everything, but I sometimes wonder how they figured out how to use the forums in the first place…
EDIT: As for the loading I still get errors, only today I haven’t had any so far, but only 700 users online atm.
It wouldn’t bother me that much if the bandwidth wasn’t being wasted on these morons.
yesterday i was going to make a topic about the weapons ingame and attachement, but then i thought “meh whatever it’s gonna sink between the whining thread so fast that i wont even bother”
It’s almost impossible to find a decent thread to talk about the game
Nice fixing the forums SD Now i get to go through all the whine in the BRINK section to find actual topics :s
doubt its my ISP because all the other sites are loading fine.
I am in linux however.
The forum-hamsters were just trying out the new forum “awards”, turns out that script isn’t production ready yet. They disabled it again, hence the forum loads fine again.