Aye, quoting makes it look funky. Though no worries, we’ll get there.
Hip Hip Hip Hip Hip
Aye, quoting makes it look funky. Though no worries, we’ll get there.
Hip Hip Hip Hip Hip
I figured out what is going on here. Not going to be a trivial fix though. Looks like there are several rows in the posts tables pointing at non-existing post text entries. And the counts of these post text entries mismatch with the count in the topics table again. I haven’t spotted any database rebuild scripts for this yet, so might have to write something myself. It doesn’t appear to break anything major though, so bumping this to a bit lower priority.
Restored the old smilies. If you see any missing let me know. If you don’t see them, empty your cache.
Great :!:
BTW: Did your avatar get attacked by a Strogg dog, or do my eyes fool me?
@Salteh, I think you shouldn’t call for Elections if you don’t want to lose your title in favour of RR2DO2. (Unless you call the forums’ downtime an act of terrorism and present a way to prevent all of this.)
If you have any problems with the forums not remembering your login, try deleting all your splashdamage.com cookies and logging in again. Worked for me
hip :tapir: hip :tapir: hip :tapir: hip :tapir: hip :tapir: hip :tapir: hip :tapir: hip :tapir: hip :tapir: hip :tapir: hip :tapir: hip :tapir: hip :tapir: hip :tapir: hip :tapir: hip :tapir: hip :tapir: hip :tapir: hip :tapir: hip :tapir: hip :tapir: hip :tapir: hip