Forum Descriptions

(Darkix) #1

Just a couple minor things. (I’m a grammar Nazi)

Editing Doom 3 Multiplayer
Splash Damage’s official support and discussion forum for Doom 3 Multiplayer Level Design. (There needs to be a period at the end of the description)

Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars
Discussion forum for Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars. Let out your inner Strogg out here! (Unless the 'Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars is outside, ‘Let out your inner Strogg out here!’ isn’t a correct sectence)

Just letting you know.

(badman) #2

Thanks for pointing these out!

(stealth6) #3

[QUOTE=Darkix;226747]Just a couple minor things. (I’m a grammar Nazi)

isn’t a correct sectence)[/QUOTE]

Just a couple of minor things

sectence -> sentence

hehe :riflenade:

I’m not a grammar Nazi, just thought it was funny :smiley:

(Darkix) #4

[QUOTE=stealth6;226779]Just a couple of minor things

sectence -> sentence

hehe :riflenade:

I’m not a grammar Nazi, just thought it was funny :D[/QUOTE]

Darn you. I was tired. =[