Forum damage: search function broken

(kamikazee) #1

I normally enter here by searching for the last posts since I last visited. Now this yielded me some nice error:

I shortened it a lot, as you may have noticed when trying to search yourself.

EDIT: Seems it got more interesting. When there are no search results, it will tell you as it normally does. When the search function found something, it spawns this nice error.

Now all pray to the tapir gods that malarky or another admin can fix this. The lack of this tool might forecast certain doom to all the lost souls on this forum. :tapir:

(mortis) #2

nubs don’t use it, even when it is working…

(Nail) #3

hmmm, the new post indicaters dissappeer if I post a reply

(Gringo) #4

Damn those tapirs chewin wires again!

(Bravo) #5

quick reply appears to be buggered also

(though just used it for this and it was ok again…have known it twice now where it just wouldn’t work - kept going to ‘page cannot be displayed’ - I use IE6)

(kamikazee) #6

I think they got smarter and hacked the forum now. Darn evolutionism!

(Shanks) #7

I think they got smarter and hacked the forum now. Darn evolutionism![/quote]
What’s Wils been doing with his time? :moo:

(Wils) #8

Making ETQW, why do you ask?

(kamikazee) #9

I think he just wants to a check in case ET:QW is now offered already at Amazon. :wink:

(Shanks) #10

So you haven’t been training the tapir? :???:

(Wils) #11

Training? You don’t train a tapir - you ask it nicely.

(Shanks) #12

So you didn’t start biting a live wire and ask them to help??

(Rhoades) #13

How’s ET:QW you filthy scoundrel? :wink:

(SniperSteve) #14

MMMM, Session IDs my Fav…

(]UBC[ McNite) #15

Any chance to get the search functions back? Cuz clicking through all the pages doesn’t really sound like an option to me…

(ouroboro) #16

“Zee search, i-i-it’s destroyed! Get ready, zee noobs are coming!”

(Ragnar_40k) #17

The broken search function sucks. It also affects View posts since last visit.

You guys know when it gets fixed?

(Sauron|EFG) #18

“When it’s done” :wink:

(jRAD) #19

Our IT folk know about the problem. Half of the battle is won! :moo:

(Salteh) #20

Bridwag :o