Forum changes

(Miki) #1


How could you not notice, the forum has changed!
I like the awards system, who else does? How many awards are there to earn? Is there a list for all the awards? Trough I hope this awards won’t let people try to massive-post to get awards…

Is there anything else changed?
And how do you all like the changes?

In my eyes, the tapirs did a great job :wink:

(Salteh) #2

We did notice, but in the correct forum:

You can see a list of the awards you currently have(profile page), but not a list of all the awards available. We’ll probably keep it like this to make sure people don’t go on spamming sprees to get that one award from the list :stroggtapir:

(DarkangelUK) #3

So this means i can own even more? Awesome! :smiley:

(Joe999) #4

is there an award for getting banned? should be an easy one :smiley:

(RR2DO2) #5

I’ve been told by Salteh to post here so I could see the new things. Let’s see if they are shiny!

(Pytox) #6

:o You have no Rep. Forum bug? :smiley:

(Salteh) #7

RR2DO2 has disabled reputation, says the image ALT text ;o

(stephanbay) #8

Hello there,
i find the “Was It Something I Said?” award not well functionnal. I have many threads that have been read more than 2000 . Well i got the 2000+ award and i think the 1000+ award should be acquired as well : Logical right? or am i wrong.

wait! i think i got it but its in gray. is it supposed to be that way (gray like deactivated) ?

also when you rate someones post negatively, you get a message “thank you for removing some reputation to this user” >> funny but not cool to thank me for that :stuck_out_tongue:

last but not least, all those last three posts should be in the Achievement Thread. Sorry

(Joe999) #9

there should be an achievement for finding the edit button … :wink:

(kamikazee) #10

[QUOTE=Joe999;187915]is there an award for getting banned? should be an easy one :D[/QUOTE]Maybe if you get auto-banned 3 times you could get an award named “Hothead”. For icon inspiration, see DG’s avatar.

Also, this should affect your reputation. :infiltrator: