This is probably not going to happen, but suggesting can’t do any harm.
I’m a addicted ET player and would love to see a official website for ET. My suggestion is changing the layout of this forum so it will be used by most ET players. With a little promoting in famous and official clans, this could work out to something.
Here’s a bit what I had in mind:
Enemy Territory: Quake wars
Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
Discussion forum
Clans & Servers
Editing Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
Media (Artwork)
Offtopic (ET)
General SplashDamage Discussions
Q3MAP2 Support
Community Quizzes
Xbox Live Community Leaderboard
Website Suggestions & Feedback[/INDENT]
I kinda based it on the BFH forums. One community for the whole game brings people together and are more likely to keep playing. ET is getting fragmented, which is just a big waste.
I’ve never played Brink or Quake, so I do not know which forums are required… You could also say I’m too lazy to set up a suggestion for those
But if everybody would take part in this, promoting this website in their own clans, communities, other communities, etc. this really could work out.