Forbidden Zone

(GTBGranny) #1

I have an area in my map that I dont want people to go into.

It is a hedge around the perimeter, that I dont want anyone to survive when they jump over it.

Any suggestions on how to either stop them doing it, or kill them if they do ?

I have tried a textureless caulked wall but it casts shadows all over the map.


(Manwhore) #2

How about you put in a clip brush then? You can find it in Textures>common in your GTKRadiant. It’s basically an invisible wall.

You could also insert a trigger_hurt to damage people trying to get on the other side of your obstacle.

(GTBGranny) #3

Many thanks.

By the way I posted this is the wrong forum.

Was supposed to be ET.

My apologies.

(Marko) #4

Other solution is you let people jump over the fence but make them die with a trigger_hurt. Build a large volume with the common/trigger texture on the “kill zone”, right click and pick trigger -> trigger hurt, press N to open the entity window and give a value > 100 for dmg (damage). This should get rid of odd players attempting to jump over your fence :wink:

(GTBGranny) #5

Well that is what I originally wanted but I have opted for the clip brush.

I might as well explain why I wanted it because there may be an obvious solution.

The reason was when I went to the edge of the land, you could see the sky below and it went all blurry.

I wonder if there is a solution to this.

(lyjg1203) #6

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(shagileo) #7

AFAIK there’s no solution in the blurry effect of the skybox.
You just need to keep the players away from the edge :slight_smile:

Best solution is a clip brush, because a trigger hurt would be a bit odd. I mean, no one dies or gibbes with jumping over a fence :smiley: (but the trigger hurt can be applied in other ways, e.g.: if you have barbed wire on your fence)

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