For future seasons at the conclusion of ranked.

(MikeGreene1990) #1

You should give us our highest rank achieved plus the master versions of the previous color set trinkets.

ex. Gold recruit = your highest rank, you also get bronze and silver master.

hitting Cobalt master, you get the master of all previous color sets for trinket bronze silver and gold.

This would be ideal since some trinket designs may look better in silver or gold, hell even bronze for a rustic loadout.

(Nail) #2

maybe trinket skins B)


Shouldn’t be in ranked for cosmetics. People don’t agree with me on this, but I stand by it. Those trinkets should represent highest rank attained and that alone. Would be cool to change the colors of them, I guess.

(Press E) #4

@Wintergreen said:
Shouldn’t be in ranked for cosmetics. People don’t agree with me on this, but I stand by it. Those trinkets should represent highest rank attained and that alone. Would be cool to change the colors of them, I guess.

Almost everyone I’ve asked only plays ranked for the cosmetics, honestly. As much as I agree that it sucks, it’s just what happens when you decide to basically pay players to play ranked instead of making it more enjoyable.

If SD is going to attract players to ranked with cosmetics, they might as well go all the way in.



@Wintergreen said:
Shouldn’t be in ranked for cosmetics. People don’t agree with me on this, but I stand by it. Those trinkets should represent highest rank attained and that alone. Would be cool to change the colors of them, I guess.

Almost everyone I’ve asked only plays ranked for the cosmetics, honestly. As much as I agree that it sucks, it’s just what happens when you decide to basically pay players to play ranked instead of making it more enjoyable.

If SD is going to attract players to ranked with cosmetics, they might as well go all the way in.

That’s fair, but it’s hard to determine how many people aren’t playing because of the state of ranked and how many aren’t because they aren’t competitive types and don’t get enough cute, shiny little toys and skins out of it. Whatever the reason, it’s compounded by a relatively small playerbase. There’s no winning in this scenario. Removing more incentives without adding others will kill ranked, but primarily selling it to anyone and their mother with the lure of new toys without a level restriction will continue to result in matches where a lot of people simply don’t care or try. My money’s on careless incompetence and casual players being the primary issue because I rarely have many complaints once I get a group together or climb into halfway respectable ranks. This probably belongs in the “Unpopular Opinions” thread. I’m just not big on cosmetic incentives in a ranked environment on any game; I think it appeals to the wrong types of players.

(Sorotia) #6

@Wintergreen said:
Shouldn’t be in ranked for cosmetics. People don’t agree with me on this, but I stand by it. Those trinkets should represent highest rank attained and that alone. Would be cool to change the colors of them, I guess.

It’s why I avoid it like the plague, besides all the RNG.