It’s a long-time known problem of the UE3-engine, enhanced by high-pingers and low-packet-rates, as modders known to this community, already have posted in threads in SD’s and/or Nexon’s forums time over time again, starting years(yes that bad) ago.
So only some incompetent people could have ignored it, at least, if they really were working on this game and cared about it.
PS: I still believe you got at least some decent people in your team, as some important publishers still take you on accoount for their… uh wait… 30fps-console-work. But it really doesn’t show up on this project…
(Edit: Sorry for the harsh wording first, but I think you can understand that at some point you lose respect when you get the feeling, people working on this project are sucking deliberately at fixing year(s) old stuff.)