I’ve been playing around with shaders lately in an attempt to add world-fog to a map I’m working on. I have managed, so far, to craft a fog that is very subtle, and it also plays well with other fogs (so that I may place more dense fogs within this “word-fog”. It also makes the sky look awesome, except off to the left side of the map it seems like the tessellation of the sky shader makes the fog act funny at a certain point, normally when i’m past the middle of the map and start approaching that one side, it looks like the triangle mesh created by the sky shader peeks through the fog, but only in certain places. It must have to do with the fog shader, because I tried adding an extra layer of fog there, and it seems…just at certain angles, the fog isn’t visible anymore. What’s more strange is that this only seems to happen on one side, no matter what strange angles I find to look at the other sides, it’s only that one side that acts weird. Is there some framebuffering issue with quake 3’s handling of fog and sky? I’m hoping this is just some thing I can fix in either the sky shader, or the fog shader, but I’ve tried adding “cull none” to the fog shader and parts of it randomly seem to get…culled.
any ideas? thanks.