Fix Javelin

(Your worst knifemare.) #1

When I recently played as Javelin I noticed one very big issue with her. If you inspect any of her weapons, her hand look normal size, however if you decide to use the axe with her, along with shrinking the axes size SD has also made her hands noticeably smaller.
Because of this Javelin feels totally unplayable until SD can restore the size of her hands while holding the axe.

(GatoCommodore) #2

@Lord_Coctus said:
When I recently played as Javelin I noticed one very big issue with her. If you inspect any of her weapons, her hand look normal size, however if you decide to use the axe with her, along with shrinking the axes size SD has also made her hands noticeably smaller.
Because of this Javelin feels totally unplayable until SD can restore the size of her hands while holding the axe.

i did not paid attention to that at all.
now that you mention it its bugging me too.

(Your worst knifemare.) #3

Also since it’s either a bug or just a mistake, here is a notice for @stayfreshshoe

(Mr.Cuddlesworth) #4

Poor Javelin

(Sorotia) #5

Good luck with that, people still call her OP and say she takes no skill at all after the barrage of nerfs she has gone through, doubt they care about fixing her.