Fine Tuning Update Release Notes - 19th July, 2017

(ThunderZsolt) #21

@stayfreshshoe said:

  • Fixed bug where melee weapons were inconsistently registering hits

Yay, ima grab muh katana now (also the 181 tornado agent)

(bgyoshi) #22

@stayfreshshoe said:


  • Fixed bug where a player could get stuck in the item throwing animation until their reserve was depleted

I never thought I would see the day, but now…

(GatoCommodore) #23

arty laser bug is still there.

i keep accidentally dropping 2 really fast

(LoudWhisper) #24

Increase shotgun range but lower it’s damage.
Increase the time between burst on the burst rifles.
Perhaps slightly lower the body shot damage on the Moa and Felix.
Make the Granduer the way it was when it first released.
Slightly increase the recoil on the Hochfir.
Increase the radius of concussion grenades but make it only blind.
Separate Phantom’s emp from his cloak.

Just some of my suggestions on weapon and item balance. Like if you agree, dislike if you don’t. :smile:

(hawkeyeguy99) #25

So when you say “Fixed Turtle’s xp” for shield, does that mean you increased the amount we get from shielding? It’s really low at the moment.

(kittz0r) #26

Seems like they did also something to the Server backend or similar… for some reason i don’t have the bad Connection Thing blinking at me…

(XavienX) #27

@Tom2160 said:

@stayfreshshoe said:
No balance changes in this update, just bug fixes

Can we get some info about when balance changes will be done? I’m pretty sure most players are tired of this crappy broken meta.

The grandeur Redeye is like really broken right now. The DPS is retarded and as like 80hp mercs you’re basically getting 1 shotted headshot from hitfire across the map with like 11 more bullets the grandeur still has.

(Tom2160) #28

@XavienX Redeye is stupidly broken. This whole meta is fucking awful. Balance is a joke in this game.

(LoudWhisper) #29

@Tom2160 said:
@XavienX Redeye is stupidly broken. This whole meta is @$!# awful. Balance is a joke in this game.

I agree, but thankfully the devs have said that they are working on balance changes.

(BlackboltLW) #30

@hawkeyeguy99 said:
So when you say “Fixed Turtle’s xp” for shield, does that mean you increased the amount we get from shielding? It’s really low at the moment.

Yes, already tested it and apparently you got more points for blocking now

(abraaocristiam) #31

5 attempts to create a good card and they all came together the same way.