Fine Tuning Update - Aug. 19th - Full Patch Notes

(bontsa) #101

Another group of peeps that I don’t get at all, Are The Ones Who Keep Typing Liek This, I’m Not Gonna Lie D:

That hurts me Shift finger so badly too.

On the topic though, the weapon changes are definitely not immediately noticeable for a filthy casual like yours truly here, but some guns like Crotzni just don’t…feel so right. I do like the current SMG9 though, makes me blow some dust off couple of Sawbonez and Bushwhanka loadout’s I’ve pretty much ditched despite them having fairly nice augments.

Nader hp increase with speed decrease seems…Uncalled, reduce of speed feels somewhat noticeable on certain walljumps, but, shrug. Like the speedy way more, but at least +10hp comes handy.

Any info of these sudden kicks with the new AC? Are they honestly just crashes or does tweaking maxframerates and such from Engine.ini and leaving it accidentally open make the system think I’m attempting to rewrite some game mechanically significant .ini sections? I got kicked twice while doing that so I got paranoid and won’t even dare leave config folder open anymore :scream:

(Amerika) #102

The kicks are due to the AC client crashing or for some reason not connecting when it needs to (which might be causing it to crash). It happened to me once last night and it happened to a streamer friend of mine last night too. It’s a known issue and they will have a fix for it hopefully soon so don’t stress over it.

(Supa) #103


Excellent patch, thank you so much.

Edit: Might I also add that due to this patch I have a slight bump in FPS. Now I can record videos! Thanks again maintenance team!

(Kaos88) #104

Didn’t like the Nader health buff and Rhino speed buff but other changes seem ok.

Main thing i wanted was the new AC so lets hope it’s good.