Fine Tuning - October Update v50528 - 07/10/2015

(shibbyuk) #21

DarkangelUK wins first troll badge! :wink:

As for loadouts, just buy the bronze that you want from the store, no? Cosmetics are just cosmetic so personally I don’t care how it’s done.

(DarkangelUK) #22

The problem is I’m not going to sacrifice my preferred loadout for a “rare” skin, it works the other way where I’ll sacrifice my skin for my loadout, so all my shiny rares will sit doing nothing at all (bit like my founders cards). I have no viable reason to keep trading up, with case unlocks if it’s a 1% chance to get a cobalt then it’s a 0.1% chance I’ll get a cobalt with the loadout I want, therefore the odds are so low that it’s not worth my time. Same goes for making any purchases, I’m happy with my current loadouts and skins won’t make me stray from it.

It’s been said since day one, separate loadouts from skin!

EDIT: I also think the trade up cost for cobalts is too high. You’re trading in 3 cobalts as it is so charging 24k to do it is a bit steep, especially when you run the high risk of getting a card with a loadout you won’t lose.

(Sagan_on_Roids) #23

The thing is though is that it’s not too late. In fact, if this were going to change, it should change now, while the game is still in beta. There were actually previous builds that were much closer to this and decoupled all the mercs/weapons/skins/augments. For example, check out this video:

(INF3RN0) #24

The load out card system is not beneficial to anyone- neither the player nor the developers/publisher. You’d sell a lot more and have a much larger consumer base for cards if they weren’t entirely RNG. This trade up for cobalts is going to backfire when people trade in 3 cobalts and get back 1 of those 3 in return. Sure it’s a gamble system with trade-ups, but it wouldn’t be as big of a deal if the cobalts people didn’t want weren’t complete cards. I’ll be happy to roll for skins, but CBA to roll for the full card. Less band-aids please, the system is just not good… break it down into components as about 99% of the community agrees would be most ideal and you will be heroes.

MM needs a separate solo/duo que. You might say that not enough people seem to solo, but the reason why they don’t is because it is suicide. You’d have a much more active MM if people knew they weren’t going to run into a pre-made, otherwise that’s all it will ever be and eventually will be completely unused because of that.

(Sagan_on_Roids) #25

Yes, exactly this. Announce that you’re working on replacing the loadout system and you’ll be seen as developers that listen to your community.

(Szakalot) #26


MM needs a separate solo/duo que. You might say that not enough people seem to solo, but the reason why they don’t is because it is suicide. You’d have a much more active MM if people knew they weren’t going to run into a pre-made, otherwise that’s all it will ever be and eventually will be completely unused because of that.[/QUOTE]

Yup. the solo/duo que can even be unranked, that is fine; and a perfect spot for newbies that are scared to go into competitive. IF it is hyped enough, enough people will try to get the ball rolling.

Something came over me last night and i soloqueued for MM. Result? A gold/cobalt 5xpremade against two golds (me including), a silver, and two unrankeds. Twice in a row : P

(Domipheus) #27

I share the concerns of the loadout system. But, other than that, looks a great wee update. Cheers!

(shibbyuk) #28

[li]Fixed a bug where player models could become stretched when using a Mounted Machine Gun[/QUOTE]
Please tell me you’ve also fixed the bug that stops you dismounting from an MG?

(spookify) #29

I have 500 Plus hours in this game and have zero Cobalt Cards…

  • Again not that I really care because all my perks are on Bronze cards but still… Perks and Cards need to be removed or customization… I want to craft a card with blank perks and swap perks in sort of like Runes in LOL… Heck make it interesting with Stackable perks so that you can collect them and only use them in specific cards and it take credits to unbind them sort of like Diablo 3 in making weapons and Gems…

(INF3RN0) #30

[QUOTE=Szakalot;539292]Yup. the solo/duo que can even be unranked, that is fine; and a perfect spot for newbies that are scared to go into competitive. IF it is hyped enough, enough people will try to get the ball rolling.

Something came over me last night and i soloqueued for MM. Result? A gold/cobalt 5xpremade against two golds (me including), a silver, and two unrankeds. Twice in a row : P[/QUOTE]

IMO it should be the only way to get elite rank ^^.

(spookify) #31

First Impressions:


Let me explain:
#1) Loading Maps Takes 10x Longer then normal!!! This is a problem…
#2) Warping across the map
#3) Audio Lag

D-AR Semi Auto Bug is still not fixed… This gun feels like you are shooting rubber bullets unless you hit the head. The Horizontal Change is super nice and a good start.

I also noticed I was getting caught on a lot of corners. WC waiting up the stairs by red apartment I got stuck on a little lip. There are also a lot of other places but that once sticks out.

With the Arty D-AR change I do find myself feeling useless while indoors. Coming up and looking at the back of 5 people and feeling helpless…

Refreshing in the server browser is either bugged or broke because I have to leave to the main menu in order to reload the servers.

The Stats aka SPM and KD is a good touch; HOWEVER it took me 2 maps to find it even though I knew where it has been… At the end of a map you have something like 20 seconds to Flip between 2 tabs!! This is a job I can hardly even look at the score board let alone 3 tabs. A battlelog like BF that goes over every match would be awesome.

Questions about that Stats. Is it just for this pub match only or does it carry over? Why doesnt my Rank Show up??

Why isnt the Review, XP and Performance all on the same page at the end of the round!!

Server Name Display is awesome
Phoenix switch Time is awesome
Chat Box Changes are nice

I did NOT notice a change to the Hit Sound Beeps…

No Comment on the card trading… Needs a rework…

(MoonOnAStick) #32

Those aim-punch changes sound nice. The Hochfir is the only weapon where the current kick felt a bit strong to me.

Score per minute and kdr take up a lot of space for something available in the Review tab.

About the mm, could you look at the results of pre-made teams vs 5 solo (3x1+2, 2x2+1, …) of the same rank and account for any advantage by adjusting the skill searched for? I’ve seen people who do Elo-y things with football results account for home-team advantage with something similar.

(montheponies) #33

If you could trade cards with other players, like a second hand market, it might get some traction. But as it is my first priority is to get a bronze with the right loadout, chasing a better skin thereafter feels like a complete waste of time.

On MM solo/duo queue should be the ranked standard. Anything premade is moving into scrim territory and cannot reasonably be balanced.

Finally, any news on how NGS is working? I dont recall seeing as many blatant cheaters, but not playing as much and still left with occassional ‘wtf’ moment.

(Protekt1) #34

The only thing I’ve never really liked about the loadout card system is that cosmetics are attached to them.

Everything else is fine. Not that loadout card strength could be balanced out to make more enticing choices… but the concept and even how it works is fine.

(Runeforce) #35

That’s two full boosters to trade up three Cobalt to another random card of a different merc. :rolleyes:

(fzl) #36

I have 500 Plus hours in this game and have zero Cobalt Cards…

@ spook…lol??

i played after a break now 524 hours and i have 9 cobalts 11 goldcards…

(Runeforce) #37

[QUOTE=fzl;539327]@ spook…lol??

i played after a break now 524 hours and i have 9 cobalts 11 goldcards…[/QUOTE]

It’s the same for me, no cobalts. And I am far away from getting my first. But at least I have a wide variety of loadouts for all the mercs…just not particular shiny.

(fzl) #38

hmmmm…all my golds are uptraded with ingame credits…i buy 2 times 5 elite cases and found 3 cobalts in her…and the rest of the cobalts are found in standard cases…

btw …i use atm only 2 from 9 cobalts…rest are all with wrong weapons and augments…

(Runeforce) #39

[QUOTE=fzl;539329]hmmmm…all my golds are uptraded with ingame credits…i buy 2 times 5 elite cases and found 3 cobalts in her…and the rest of the cobalts are found in standard cases…

btw …i use atm only 2 from 9 cobalts…rest are all with wrong weapons and augments…[/QUOTE]

Yeah…about that…how about implementing some kind of catch up mechanic on rolls on the equipment cases SD…? Because I seem to be getting shafted!

(light_sh4v0r) #40

I’m getting more freezes than usual, where the game hangs for a second or so.
Loading times are atrocious on Trainyard and Bridge, at least 5x longer than they used to be.
Spectating when dead is bugged, several times I was unable to respawn when the timer came. Spectating someone else I could see myself spawn and get killed… :frowning: