After seeing that first cinematic trailer of Brink about a year before release I fell in love with the art style and general idea. Pre-ordered it for PS3, played it, got the platinum trophy and then the lack of players and amount of empty games put me off taking the game out of it’s box - other competitive shooters and multiplayer games that I owned or went and bought took over because they had people playing it regularly.
The patches and Agents of Change came a little too late for a lot of people I suspect.
But even whilst playing gems such as Arkham City, Uncharted 3, Battlefield 3 and Skyrim lately I still had the urge to revisit Brink, and so I did… and I’ve really enjoyed playing it again. The patches, updates and DLC seem to have improved and balanced out a lot of the combat and gameplay. I’m still in love with the art style and the objective-focussed missions, as well as the whole detail behind the Ark and the Civil War. This game still has piles of potential and I still want to play it and I still have a lot of fun doing so…
I can ignore more issues and most niggly little problems because I do love what the game is about. In fact since returning to the game I’ve had piles of fun but the main problems that have annoyed me are:
Lack of players - obviously. What can be done to resurrect the community, if anything?
Team balancing - When the teams are unbalanced, even if it’s 6vs4 and even if I’m in a Fireteam with a pal, I’ll switch sides to make it 5vs5and even it up for the sake of a fair game.
So you load up a game and you very rarely get 8 versus 8 or even 7 versus 8 whilst nobody plays in the other modes/settings. Tonight I jumped into a game at Container City and ended up in a team with 7 other players, all seemingly experienced, high-leveled and obviously more capable than the AI bots. The opposition (Security) had ONE single online gamer. The outcome is obvious… the Security were kept from even getting near the first objective… it was a pointless match… the team of 8 were getting bags of experience points and picking off the easy bots who run cluelessly into a hail of bullets whilst the single online gamer struggled to do anything other than get a few kills here & there.
So why when you enter a “Standard” match where “Force Team Balance” is activated did I get automatically placed in the team with 7 other online gamers and not the Security where they only had one player?
As I always switch the weaker side, I did and couldn’t really do no more… I supported the bot and got it moving up to the gate whilst picking off as many of them as I could. But nobody could get close to blowing the gate… they had some camping above, at the sides and behind the gate as well as several turrets and mines. I messaged a few of them with the least points and told them (another player joined them by this point) it was 8vs2, one replied… “LOL”… and the other replied “jup”… considering a lot of players are that childish or that idiotic then why don’t Splash Damage implement a proper ‘Force Team Balance’ where new players who join a game are immediately put into the side with fewer players?
Such a simple element to competitive gaming and yet it’s failing here. One time I asked somebody to balance up the teams with me and they told me they didn’t know changing teams was possible…
Love the game. Have fun playing it… but some frustrations are annoying me so it must put off a lot of other players which isn’t helping my first issue of not enough playing the game.