Favourite Beta Moments

(3D Printer) #1

With the onset of Dirty Bomb 1.0, I asked this question in the DB Discord:

Quite a few of you answered with your awesome stories of DB, and I thought it’d be good to chronicle a few here.

Dawnrazor linked a YouTube video of their Beta Highlight;

Kirays let us know about a tough Ranked 2v5;

Herr Hanz had an amazing triple-headshot;

Ralek defusing at the last moment with terrible odds;

What about you? What was your most memorable moment in Dirty Bomb during the Beta?

(Press E) #2

My memory is kinda bad so idk if I could settle on one, but there are a few I enjoyed. Here are the ones I remember off the top of my head, might add more later

Joined a team fairly recently in Dockyard, they were getting absolutely spawncamped. The enemy team had gotten used to barely even trying, so I managed to kill all of them, mostly with melee and allow my team to push and finish the objective.

Another time in ranked right after they removed vote kick, joined a match with a bunch of my friends on both teams. The enemy team had an obvious aimbotter, but we couldn’t kick him. So the enemy team ended up running in front of his gunfire to give him enough team kills that we could kick the guy. We forced a draw after that, it was pretty good.

A long time ago in Chapel, we were doing fairly well. Not terrible or anything, but some guy on our team was constantly whining into mic and chat harassing everyone for the entire match. About 10 seconds before it ended, someone called a vote kick and we all kicked him right before we finished so he wouldn’t get any XP, it was hilarious

As your screenshots mentioned, first godlike is up there too. DB was the first PVP game I’ve ever played, my only background in FPS games were halflife and portal so as you can imagine I didn’t start out great. Took me ages, but eventually I reached 30% accuracy and got a kira godlike shortly after

(Your worst knifemare.) #3

There’s a few I’ve had but my favorite one was a ranked game of bridge, won with 3 Rhinos a Proxy and Sparps.

Also I’m unable to see the discord responses because of it’s small text for me.


All of the late-night Execution matches on the weekends with the usual crew of regulars. I’ll shout out some names that y’all will likely recognize. No clue if some of them use these boards, but I’ve got a few added that still play. Sunny Stefen and the rest of the 911 gang, Radionaut and Freshy Q for being the best Thunder players I’ve met, Laissez-Fairy, Dark J, and It’s Steven. Good times that won’t be forgotten, folks. Many of those nights were made more memorable thanks to beer! Haha. :beers:

(K1X455) #5

It’s still happens for me… rarely.

Stopwatch 6v6, over 298ms ping to the server.
Sixth man to join a desperately struggling team… it’s K6 time
Play Sawdaddy to back up the offensive push.
Win on overtime
Much “GGs” thrown across

(Muddy Muddy Mud Nade) #6

Playing so out of my mind with pre-nerf Fletcher that someone mistook me for a pro player.
Seeing @_Sniff upload a video.
Trading up to a cobalt BL32 as my first cobalt ever.
Getting a cobalt A31 out of an elite case.
As you can tell, I have some fond Fletcher memories.

(enigmaplatypus) #7

I have a few favorite memories…

one time a friend wanted to help me up during a round of execution. There was an enemy sniper watching over the whole area, and the sniper would shoot at any friendly teammates that passed by…The solution my friend had was to basically tbag me while helping me up. Every time he crouched down the sniper shot where his head was moments before. He was successful in helping me up and we both couldn’t stop laughing about it for the rest of the game.

I remember a few times where I played some really good objective games as Aura, and i got over 30,000xp. Which was just amazing and a lot of fun :slight_smile:

I remember one incredibly close ranked game. Both teams were evenly matched and the game was very close. My team ended up losing by one second.

I would say that those are my main good memories. Some other more minor ones include setting up 3 turrets watching the objective, making a four turtle shield wall, being flung around the map at hyper speed by the ev, having my aura station survive fire by being one pixel away from the fires edge, and grabbing my health station in the middle of fire and managing to stay alive. Really the random everyday/common moments can really be the sweetest. Especially if your playing with some great friends :smiley:

(DarkangelUK) #8

Are we counting Alpha moments? I’ve been around since the very early days of SD about 2003 when W:ET was made, hanging out in IRC and the old forums. I tested ET:QW as well, met the guys in London when Brink was being demo’d and a few of us were invited to be alpha testers and SD gifted us the Founders pack for DB (then Extraction… then back to DB… then Nexon… then Nexoff… it’s been a roller coaster).

My most favourite moment was getting into the game for the very 1st time in 2012, all of the Founders had been given their codes and everyone was jumping in as quickly as possible. At the time there was only 5 classes and the map was the long version of London Bridge (basically an homage to Goldrush from W:ET) and the devs were half itching to show it off and half itching to kill players other than SD staff.

The server was a healthy mix of regulars and SD peeps, at the time it was a custom built launcher with a built in server browser so you didn’t need to have the game open to see who was playing. I’ve been given shit over the years for my “Captures the magic of ET” quote but at the time it was entirely true, it just so happens that the game evolved away from that into something different.

Playing the map, the classes (everyone had grenades!) and the objectives was as familiar to me that first time as it was after a hundred matches, it just felt natural, and that’s why those first games felt amazing. Normally with a ‘new’ game players are fumbling around lost, running around clueless and just exploring trying to get their bearings, but everyone settled in instantly and got to work. Those nail biting moments when the timer is about to run out and you’re 20 ft from finishing the EV escort knowing the enemy are about to spawn were exhilarating, and for me, did indeed ‘capture the magic of ET’.

For anyone interested and hasn’t seen it, here’s an old gameplay trailer of DB on old London Bridge, it’s like a highlights reel but shows the full map including the final EV push to the end.

(Meetrock) #9

I enjoyed only 2 matches since December 2017. Both were in Underground. The first match I was an aura, I put down a health station in the corridor to North Door constructor, a rhino joined, started killing people from there standing on top of my station, I just ran around meleeing people, I ended the match (Objective) with 37k score. The second one I was a proxy, we were in a stopwatch this time and we started by defending, I defused like 10 c4s on the medbay (I still call it medbay) and around 8 c4 on the constructors, I was using an smg and got some pretty cool deaths, we ended the first half without the enemy team planting, when we attacked, I rushed in, planted, opened the south door, my team covered and we won, ended the match with 34k as proxy.

(Mr.Cuddlesworth) #10

When Javelin first came out, when her rocket was more like a Kamehame wave, I joined a random Underground match on the attacker side. The enemy team was comprised of all Javelins and one Phoenix to heal them. They all had the same name- Sorry I Killed You. My team was quickly spawn trapped as they fired rocket after rocket at us. I was able to blind a few of them as I was playing Thunder, but as soon as I kill one or two, I would still get nuked by the others. We didnt get anywhere near the medbay to plant and most of my team rage quitted, but it was still funny to me. Of course I left too after the match ended.

(Xenithos) #11

My favorite was back during the introduction phases of execution, when they literally had the white vans and most of the map was whitewashed I was still doing my beastly Aura thing with the Remburg. I ended up loading into the game late, and was rather surprised to see it was the last round and I was the only one alive on attack. The enemies still had 6-7 people alive…

I managed to sneak my way all the way to the right side A plant and get it planted enabling overtime. Then proceeded to kill every single enemy player alive within 40 seconds before the objective would have exploded. I have no idea how I did it. It was on the map that now has a chicken tavern thing.

(bgyoshi) #12

This thread sounds more like favorite DB moments and less like Beta specific moments

(Oxayotl) #13

Well, DB has been beta for almost all of it’s existence, so what’s the difference really lol.

(bgyoshi) #14

That’s kinda the point

Why is it “favorite beta moments” and not “favorite DB moments”

Copy paste this thread 2 years into the future and there’s still not going to be anything beta specific about it lol

(Teflon Love) #15

My favorite beta moment was when I got the beta trinket. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

(bgyoshi) #16

Trick question, you got a beta trinket in 1.0!

(Your worst knifemare.) #17

Every trinkets the beta trinket.

(Your worst knifemare.) #18

My favorite beta moments were every Proxy that I’ve killed.

(Teflon Love) #19

…by shooting her own mine.

(Xenithos) #20

Mine was clearly beta specific. Whitewashed maps. :confused: Broken op shotguns on Aura. :confused:
Crap, I could talk about using Kira’s laser through windows and it’d be beta specific.