facebook profile link

(tokamak) #1

We have an xboxlive and xfire (i believe) and all that jazz available in our profiles, it would make sense to have a facebook connection as well. Just saying.

(The Ranger) #2

i mean … you can “like” threads here o.o

(tokamak) #3

Yeah it’s a bit absurd.

(Apples) #4

Dont want nerds to see my lovely face for real

(light_sh4v0r) #5

My privacy is at stake!

(Apples) #6

Shav, pop on irc @ biatch.etqw sometime, might need more ppl for the 4V4 cup if you are interested to show your leet skills


(light_sh4v0r) #7

meh, can’t be bothered, I must be absolutely terrible in promod by now.

(.Chris.) #8

You make it sound like they are actually any good players left that it would be noticeable.