Execution Problems

(farcicalMesh) #1

The problem with execution is the team matchmaking. Every time I play on Execution, the score is always 7-1 or worse. I rarely see fair scores like 7-6. All the time there are 4 people that are lvl. 40 players on the enemy team and the other team are beginners who just started playing the game. This affects the gameplay because you end up getting farmed and screwed! This isn’t a good lesson for new players. So many players rush and enemies camp at spawn. Beginner players don’t stand a chance! Plus, if you are the only medium ranked player, you would have to clutch all the time because it would become 1 vs. 7 or something like that!

(LifeupOmega) #2

A better lesson for new players would be playing a game mode that’s good and doesn’t lock them out of the match once they inevitably die.