Execution missions

(joemusashi12) #1

First off why do I ALWAYS get execution missions. Whenever I login its always " Play X rounds in Execution" and " Win X rounds in Execution". Second, these missions promote unbalanced matches just to complete the missions. It’s like the “Play X matches with (Merc) in you’re squad” missions all over again. What do you guys think. Remove them? Tweak them?

(Xan) #2

I too,often get them.Just cancel them

(joemusashi12) #3

But then it’s like I only have 2 missions which really hinders my credit farming.

(mushrumdude123) #4

@joemusashi12 IKR

(amiableUnicorn) #5


(Hydrelion) #6

I was going to answer, but everyone is banned.