Execution Game Mode available for testing

(Protekt1) #21

If the round times out, what decides the winner? The amount of survivors or the amount of kills? It needs to be kills. Kills should be counted up only at the end of the round or if you’re gibbed. So incap, revive, incap does not count as 2 kills. It shouldn’t be based on survivors since teams could start off unbalanced.

Also, I think it would be very helpful to have some minor objective that when completed counts for one kill, and spawns on the map in one of a set of predetermined locations. This way you award a team for moving around and looking for it rather than just sitting back and camping and hoping the other team makes a mistake. Also, you could find it and set a trap which would be one strategy to the objective. There could be 2 to help make that not as powerful of a tactic.

(Seiniyta) #22

I’m on the server right now, anyone joining?

(Kendle) #23

Love the game mode, but it really brings into sharp focus for me the lack of strafe-jumping. In Urban Terror this mode is all about being cautious at the start, figuring out when and where the attack is going to come from, then rushing the other team using the speed of the game as a weapon in itself. Playing this mode without the speed is bit like playing CTF in COD, it doesn’t really fit.

Very nice tho, think this could bring in some more players who like this kind of thing.

(DarkangelUK) #24

Agree with Kendle, I love this mode as well but the pace does let it down a little bit. I can see me playing this more than standard objective for time being :slight_smile: Throw in 2 or 3 C4 plant areas and you’ve got some S&D going as well :wink:

(ailmanki) #25

Very borring mod imho. I don’t like it much.
Why? Hm… to slow, to much camping… hmm. unbalanced, no objective - just kill. Maybe I should go play DayZ … more fun to kill. :slight_smile:

edit: I had much fun though, but its more cause of the people on ts. I guess I could have played any game with them and have fun.

(Ashog) #26

I haven’t tried it yet but was dreaming about smth like this since last man standing fights on RTCW’s Destruction map. It’s gotta be fun.

(SRS-Kap) #27

Thanks for all the suggestions and feedback so far, both positive and negative and please keep posting as your thoughts on this prototype are all very helpful.

(Ashog) #28

A side suggestion is to create another Checkpoint mode with maxlives a-la mentionedmp_destruction checkpoint mode from RTCW.
Adding simple elongated symmetrical maps with several flags to capture along the path - team who captures all flags wins - whether it is achieved by capturing them while enemies are alive or by just killing off all enemies till they reach maxlives limit per map - that would do it.

Also a modification of TDM mode with maxlives would be cool - probably not too hard to program but gives another mode, the more variety the better!

(montheponies) #29

Always happy to see different game modes being added - this one isnt my cup of tea, but dont let that you deter you :slight_smile:

(Protekt1) #30

The mode and the maps are good. The warehouse is best.

(iwound) #31

it needs a specifically designed map to maximise its potential.
will sketch out some ideas with some interesting choke points.
im feeling a churchy kind of stoney, grassy type of map.

(INF3RN0) #32

Warehouse is an amazing map design. Johnny needs to make an obj map asap!

(Seiniyta) #33

I really liked the mode, fast and frantic (once the timer works correctly). Warehouse in particular is really cool too.

(INF3RN0) #34

I’d like to see a SnD mode now. Hehehe.

(Protekt1) #35

SnD isn’t the only LTS mode that is good.

Personally I would very much like to see a doc run with 1 life. I played it in a game called soldier front 2 and very much enjoyed it.

(bishy) #36

Same as RtCW OLTL… good addition.

(shaftz0r) #37

i had a decent time playing it for a few hours. tbh i found it really fun playing a heavy med roll. was good practice to finish the frags before revs, and watching people duck from cover because they cant die and taking packs ectect. i feel like if nothing else, its good practice and a good way for newbies to get hold of the game, instead of tasteless tdm and dm

i would loooooooove to try this. that sounds like a blast, maybe even 5 lives for 2 obj or something, cause that can easily become a meatgrind

(biz) #38

Is QL more active because Clan Arena exists? maybe
Is QL CTF / TDM less active because Clan Arena exists? yes. in fact it’s pretty much dead in NA

will Extraction’s objective mode be less active because this exists? probably

as long as objective stays active enough, then I don’t think that’ll be a problem
but once you start having to connect to higher ping servers to play it, then it starts to become an issue

I’m not hating on the mode or anything. I have fun playing different ways too.
I’ve just seen what happens with fragmented communities…

(INF3RN0) #39

That’s a bit silly to predict. You don’t see ARAM killing LoL main mode of play.

(ailmanki) #40

Thought a little, and I think this is a bad introductin to this game.
A simple KOTH map would be better. Some very simple and obvious objective. Make it basically a LMS with area control at least.