Excessive precission in MVP presentation

(DB Genome editor) #1

So the “Most accurate” award seems to have been revised, but the display of the numbers is still a bit silly with the 3-decimals precision. Anything after the first decimal is just a waste of pixels and since the detailed stats are happy to show a single decimal, why have more here? It 's not like you can compare this super accurate value with the ones in the detailed stats to make sure the game is not lying about who should get the award…

Also, I see that the description for the most ammo given now says “X ammo clips given” rather than “X ammo given” (which could be interpreted as bullets rather than clips), but with that clarification, this is now another example of number with “insignificant digits”: with the largest clip in the game, the MK46 belt, being less than 100 rounds, 0.01 clip is not even a full bullet in any case, never mind 0.001…