EVOLVE has gone F2P - And things are just a bit more complicated

(TheGreatHoundini) #1

They also have what I would call a VERY aggressive reward system. Again, I feel DB needs to make sure it works hard on this front. I’d place both Splash Damage and Turtle Rock on a very high tier when it comes to FPS game design.

I’d personally consider keeping both DB and EVOLVE… probably making me put less time into Blacklight (which is mostly just Call of Duty anyway).

(TheStrangerous) #2

Hurray! Gamers have won this battle!

Suck it, Turtle Rock!

(HunterAssassin5) #3

in the world of video games, its either Evolve™ or go extinct.

(Icecoal) #4

Evolve was a pile of steaming shit on release. The dlc content and price were ridiculous. Gonna check how it looks now

(TheGreatHoundini) #5

Yeah. I figured the DLC issues were really bad. But the thing is more than a year later, you’re basically able to now join the game with all of its previous content already on a grid.

I’m also curious to see how their “Login A Day Award” system works. Basically it seems to describe a system where there is a free reward - including possible character unlocks - at your first login every 24 hours.

My main thing though is gameplay. I play a lot of COD and some Rainbow Six and Ghost Recon so what attracted me to games like Dirty Bomb was the unique gameplay aspects of it. Evolve is also in that category.

Not to mention, as I stated earlier, Splash Damage and Turtle Rock are definitely top drawer devs.